Chapter 10 : First Impressions

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Riptide had woken up again an hour later. It was now seven and he was in the bathroom brushing his teeth trying to rush his morning routine since it took about thirty minutes to get to the school and the school started at eight. Which was an hour away, leaving him half an hour to not look like a zombie from the lack of sleep, eat breakfast, and leave. He put on a plain black shirt and black jeans, then he ran downstairs into the kitchen, finding Polaris with a bowl of cereal, with her phone beside her as she slowly ate. He mutters a quick good morning to her, and pours himself a bowl of cereal as well, sitting directly opposite her at the other end of the counter. They ate breakfast in silence, Polaris was looking at her food the entire time, and avoiding eye contact with him.

He regretted snapping at her this morning, and now that he thought back to the moment, she had flinched and taken a small step away from him. Was he that scary in the morning? He didn't think so, but maybe she did. She finished her bowl of cereal and got up to put the bowl away, but he beat her to.

"Let me." He said, taking the bowl from her hands and putting it in the sink.

She picked up her blue backpack from the side of the stool she had been sitting on, and was out of the door before he could ask her if she wanted a ride. He really should work on the way he treats people in the mornings.

Polaris walked to school listening to a song on her phone, and trying not to think about anything. She didn't want to think about her first day. All she was going to do was go to the office, pick up all the information she needed, and go on with her day ignoring everyone's stares as the 'new kid' walked through the halls. She had done this so many times before, so why did it seem like her first?

As she walked on the stone pavement, she looked around her. At the trees that were taller than any she'd seen before, at the bushes which if you looked closely enough you could see little creatures hiding in them, and finally at the blue sky, crowded with puffs of white clouds. Not purely white, but not grey. Little hints of lilac and light blue in them. She had always loved cloud watching, no matter how boring it may seem. She loved making shapes out of the clouds and watching them slowly move across the sky. It made her think of what was beyond the small world they lived in.

When Polaris looked ahead again she saw the school building.

Today was really not the day that she wanted to do this. With 'screw it' being her last thought, she entered the cream coloured building, she would learn to call school.

The floor was cold even with shoes on, the entire building was cold in general. She tried to ignore the low temperature, and set her mind to finding the main office. She walked through the empty hallways, she was a little early for the first day, and there was still no one there except a few teachers, who were all busy getting their first lessons ready in their classrooms.

With a little help from a friendly janitor, she found the main office, took a deep breath, and went in. There was a strict looking lady behind the front desk. Her bleach blonde hair was slicked back into a tight bun, so tight that her entire face looked like it had been stretched back. Her eyes were small and a cold blue colour. Not inviting or friendly at all. Her lips, a thin, straight line plastered flat on her face, and her nose looked was long a crooked, kind of like the witch from Snow White when she turned herself into an old lady.

"Hello." Polaris said, the lady looked extremely busy with something on her laptop. When Polaris greeted her she looked at her from the corner of her beady eye before turning her head to face Polaris, looking her up and down. The lady looked like she was judging her, and Polaris did not feel the least bit self conscious in her black jeans and worn out blue hoodie.

"What's your name?" She asks, analysing her some more.

"Polaris." she says, trying not to look uncomfortable under her judgemental gaze.

The lady nods and types something into her laptop, before handing her what looks like her schedule and a series of numbers which is probably her locker number.

"Thanks." Polaris says.

She waves her off and Polaris leaves the office, bumping into something, or rather, someone. She looks up at the person and sees the familiar face of Riptide. She looks away from him, mutters an apology and brushes past him.

The hallway is full of kids now, rushing here and there. Catching up with friends and such. She notices a few people look at her and start whispering, but she gives them no attention. Instead she looks at the locker numbers trying to find hers. 134... 135... 136. Here it is, right behind a very... intimate couple. A girl with tomato red hair (clearly dyed), wearing the shortest pink skirt, and a white crop top is pressed against her by a guy wearing one of those jock jackets, they seem to be in a very heated make out session, before Polaris clears her throat.

The two stop making out and the girl scowls at her as Polaris smirks.

"You're standing in front of my locker." she says, holding Tomato's stare. She rolls her eyes pulls the guy back into a kiss.

Polaris finds this amusing. It's very clear the guy is player and isn't going to remember Tomato's name in a matter of a few days, she almost feels bad for her. If it weren't for the fact that she just completely ignored her attempt to be polite. An idea pops into her head, it's probably stupid, but she likes it. She fishes inside her backpack and takes out a water bottle, she unscrews the cap and does not hesitate to pour it all over Tomato.

The couple separate from each other as she starts screeching louder than a banshee. The guy is looking at Polaris and laughing, and the entire hallway is now looking at them. The water inside the bottle finishes and she throws it in the recycling bin not to far away. Polaris looks back at Tomato, lightly pushes her out of the way, and proceeds to putting the code in her locker like nothing happened.

Out of the corner of her eye, she can see the guy pulling a fake crying Tomato away, and she smiles at herself.

That was one hell of a first impression. 

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