Chapter 14: Sleeping Beauty

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Polaris fell asleep, laying her head on Riptides shoulder. She hadn't let go of his hand and he hadn't let go of hers. Riptide couldn't go back to sleep, no matter how hard he tried. That's saying a lot, because he had been trying to fall asleep for the past hour, but his eyes just wouldn't close.

He lay her down on the bed again gently and then pulled the covers over her freezing body, hoping it would warm her up. The house wasn't equipped with air conditioning either, because it rarely got too hot, so he didn't understand why she was so cold. He did have a few heaters though, and there happened to be one in her room, so he turned that on as well.

He didn't want to leave her alone, but he doubted she would enjoy him staring at her like a creep for the rest of the night. He looked at her one last time. She was a sleeping beauty. Her peaceful face looked as though moon dust had fallen on her face, because it shimmered ever so slightly . Her eyelashes brushed her cheeks; which had a slight tint of blue from the cold, while her eyes were closed. Her wavy black hair spread all over the pillow, framing her face perfectly. In this moment he realised her hair wasn't exactly black. With the light of the moon casted down on her, her hair had a few strands of gold and yellow. Her hair wasn't black, just a very dark brown in normal lighting.

She wasn't beautiful in the classical, basic way. She didn't have the straight blonde hair, or the tan skin; no ocean blue eyes. She was taller than most girls, almost as tall as him, and she was definitely larger than the stereotypical magazine model. She had this sort of underrated beauty, that most people would not pay attention to. Her ordinariness made her more beautiful than any other girl he'd ever laid eyes on. She may be just average to most people, but to Riptide. The one who had looked at her every chance he got, the one who had memorised all of her features. She was like a goddess. A star. Maybe one day she'd be his star. But for now, he couldn't afford to think that way.

He had been standing there for longer than he wanted to. With one last look at her chest rising and falling as she was breathing. Reassuring Riptide that she was alive. That she was real. He dragged his eyes away from her, forcing himself out of the room, regaining his self control.

Closing the white wooden door quietly, he decides since there's only a few more hours left till he would normally wake, there's no point in sleeping anyway. He heads down to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of cold milk, and then moving to the living room and sitting on the couch, drinking his milk.

He places the cup on the wooden table, and adjusts his position so that he's lying on his back, staring at the plain ceiling. He pushes all the thoughts in his mind to the back of his head, not wanting to deal with it. For the first time, he finds his mind is blank, and soon enough, with the peacefulness his head has granted him, his eyelids grow heavy, and he slips into a temporary dark nothingness.


Polaris wakes up feeling extremely comfortable, with a bright light shining in her face. She opens her eyes and sits on the bed, trying to forget the events of last night. Luckily, it becomes easy enough when she looks over to the small digital clock, and sees that it's already 7.37am. She shoots out of bed and runs out of her room. She doesn't hear the sound of footsteps, or the sound of someone moving around at all, which shows that Riptide is obviously still asleep. She runs to his room, which was a few doors away from hers. She knocks on the door really hard, surprising herself when it isn't dented. No one answers the door so she turns the handle opening the white, wooden door to his room and looks inside.

His room is painted a shade of brown, closely resembling the colour of a tree trunk. There are two sets of windows in the room, one on each side of his large bad, which is covered with a sea green, thick blanket, that looks really comfortable. The curtains hanging on the windows, are short, just enough to cover the windows, and they're a soft emerald colour, a few shades lighter than the green on his bed. Across his bed there is a wooden desk, which looks like its actually made from real wood, and above it are three wooden shelves attached to the wall in a straight line. She sees two other doors in the room, which she assumes is the bathroom and the closet. His room isn't as messy as she had thought it would be. It kind of reminds her of a cabin in the middle of the woods, except more modern because of all the lamps and lights.

Looking back at the unmade bed and seeing he's not in it. She closes the door to his room cups her hands around her mouth and yells.

"Riptide!" her voice echoes through the entire house.

Riptide is jolts awake at the sound of his name being yelled by a familiar, melodic voice. His eyes dart to the clock on the wall.

"I'm up, get ready." he yells back.

He hears footsteps rushing around, and starts running up the stairs himself. Something already tells him that this is going to be an eventful day, and he can't wait. 

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