Chapter 5: Last day of Winter part 2

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This was it. Rainbow was going to get Twilight's heart today. Now or never.
Twilight and Rainbow were walking home and took a detour through the park. The stopped by a bench with a lamp. The light it created seemed to have made their hair glow. Rainbow sat down on the bench. "Rainbow you can't be tired now.", Twilight said. "No, Twilight I want to talk to you about something.", she said. "Oh okay.", said Twilight sitting down. "You see since we've met I've had a...uh...", she had froze to scared to say the next word. But Twilight knew what she was going to say for she had gone over it in her mind again and again but hearing what she was trying to say made her heart soar.  "You've what?", said Twilight. "I've had a c-c...", she was cut of by Twilight as Twilight kissed Rainbow.

", she was cut of by Twilight as Twilight kissed Rainbow

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She was surprised but accepted it. Twilight released. "I have a crush on you too.", she said turning red a bit. "Wow I never knew you were such a great kisser.", said Rainbow. "Thanks.", said Twilight. "Twilight will you be my girlfriend?", ask Rainbow. "Yes!", shouted Twilight kissing Rainbow again. "Now let's get home before Spike and Scoots start to worry.", said Twilight. They walked off together holding each other's hands. They have finally gotten to together. But can they handle what will come their way in Spring? Let's find out in Love is in Bloom 2.

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