Chapter 1

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Twilight's P.O.V.

I stand out in the snow stareing at my new school. Ponyville Academy. I'm starting a new life here. And so is my little brother Spike. He is standing next to me holding my hand. We don't exactly have parents. Anymore. They just packed up and left us. I've been looking after Spike since. "Twilight can we go in now? I'm getting cold.", he said. "Yeah.", I said. Ponyville Academy tought both high school and middle school. He rushed in. I walked. "Come on Twilight hurry up!", he shouted. "I'm coming.", I said with a smile. "Do ya have to wear that sweater?", he said. "Do you have to wear your face?", I said. He was stumped. Whenever I give him a comeback he always can't make a comeback. He moaned in defeat. We soon reached the principal's office and we got our schedules. Spike soon ran off to the middle school side. And I headed to the high school. My first class was science with Dr Hooves.

Rainbow's P.O.V.

I was gonna be late. I have to get to Dr Hooves class before it starts. I rushed through the halls. As I turned a corner I ended running into someone. We fell to the floor. "Sorry I was watching where I was going.", I said getting up. "It's okay.", she said as I helped her up. As we stood up I got a good look at her. She was wearing a cream sweater and a purple scarf. And she had black shorts and cyan boots. She had lovely purple skin and her hair was even more beautiful. Her violet eyes seemed to sparkle. We stood there in silence for awhile. "So what's your name?", I asked breaking the silence. "It's Twilight Sparkle.", she said. "I'm Rainbow Dash.", I said. "Hey I haven't see you around here, are you new?", I asked. "Yeah.", she said. We just stood in silence again. "We should head to class.", she said. "Okay. Do you meet up again at lunch?", I asked. "Sure.", she said. We started walking and we ended up at the same class.

Twilight's P.O.V.

I was walking down the hall and then I get hit to the ground. "Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going.", a raspy voice said. "It's okay.", I said. She helped me up. She was gorgeous. She had cyan skin and rainbow hair. She wore a cream and green tracksuit and a pair of black boots. Her magenta eyes sparkled. We stood there in silence. But then I asked her what her name was. Her name was Rainbow Dash. After we talked abit more and made plans to meet at lunch we went to class. It turns out we have all the same classes. And soon it was lunch. I walked into the cafeteria and got food and went to Rainbow. She sat alone. Does she not have any friends? I sat down next to her. I wondered if I should ask her. "So do you just sit her alone?", I asked. She started to look down. "Yeah for about two years. Since my friends left the school and went to Canterlot High on the other side of town. It's too far away to drive to so we haven't see each other since they left.", she said getting sad. "It's okay.", I said comforting her. "Well you do have a friend now.", I said. She looked up at me. She had leaned against my shoulder. "Do you mean yourself?", she said. "Of course I do.", I said. She started to cheer up. "Thanks.", she said. After school I was waiting outside for Spike. I had gotten really cold. I was shivering. Rainbow was walking out the school and must of saw me because next thing I know she gave me her cyan jacket that she brought to school in case it got really cold. "Thanks.", I said. I didn't won't her to get cold now too so I her my scarf. She put it on as soon as I gave it to her. We smiled. Just then Spike came up and started pulling me because he wanted to leave. "Bye!", I said to Rainbow as I was being pulled away. She waved goodbye back.

Narrator's P.O.V.

Okay to show what happened next. I can't write it so here's a picture.

You get the just of what happened.

Love is in bloomNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ