Chapter 4: Last day of Winter part 1

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It was a beautiful morning.
That was what everyone was thinking...well those who were awake. Spike and Scootaloo were trying to stop themselves from laughing while taking pictures of Rainbow and Twilight asleep together while holding each other.

 Spike and Scootaloo were trying to stop themselves from laughing while taking pictures of Rainbow and Twilight asleep together while holding each other

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"We're going to get them to do what ever we want with these.", whispered Scootaloo. "Yeah now let's get out of here.", whispered Spike. They quietly snuck out the room. "Hey want some breakfast?", asked Spike. "Sure.", said Scootaloo. They went to the kitchen. Having gone five years without their parents their cooking skills were extrodinary. While they were cooking Rainbow and Twilight came out of the room blushing. "What's that amazing smell?", asked Rainbow sitting down in a chair. "Breakfast.", said Spike. "Can we have some?", asked Twilight. "Maybe.", said Scootaloo. "What you mean?", said Rainbow. "Fine.", said Scootaloo. Soon they were eating breakfast. "Delicious.", said Rainbow. "Hey want are you guys doing today?", asked Spike. "I don't know?", said Twilight. "We've got an idea.", said Scootaloo. She took out her phone and showed them the picture. Their faces went red. "If you don't want this being sent to the whole school I think you should do what we want.", said Scootaloo. They were thinking it over. It was a no so Rainbow quickly grabbed the phone. "Whoops I deleted it.", she said.

"Rainbow Dash!", shouted Scootaloo grabbing her phone back. "Okay me and Twilight are going to the mall. I need a new phone.", said Rainbow. "And you two are staying out of trouble.", said Twilight. The two left and came back after an hour in clean clothes and left the house. "I'm bored.", said Spike after awhile. "Well what can we do? The skate park is closed till spring.", said Scootaloo. "Well there is snow, tons and tons of snow.", said Spike. "Ugh when is it Spring?", said Scootaloo. "Strangely with all this snow it's tomorrow?", said Spike confused. "Hey do you ever miss your old friends?", asked Spike. "Yeah Applebloom and Sweetie Belle. The funnest people you'll ever meet.", said Scootaloo looking back. "Hey if they are on the other side of town then why don't they visit you?", asked Spike. "It's a bit far.", said Scootaloo. Spike thought for awhile then got up went to his room and came back with his skate board. "Well we need something to do so let's go and reunite you with your friends.", said Spike. Scootaloo shot up as fast as lighting. "I can't believe I hadn't thought of that.", she said.

They shot out of the house. Scootaloo rode her scooter and Spike rode his skate board. It took them two hours of riding before they reach the suburbs on the other side. "Do you know where they live?", asked Spike. "If I know them they will be at Sweet Apple Acres.", she said. Another few minutes and they reached the farm. "So where do we go because I'm not going to keep boarding from here I'll walk.", said Spike. "Same.", said Scootaloo. They started to walk through the farm. "Come on it's eleven o'clock and I'm hungry.", said Spike after awhile. "Ugh!", went Scootaloo. "Eat an apple.", said Scootaloo. "No there might be worms in them.", he said in disgust. He started drinking some water from a bottle. "HEY!", someone shouted catching him by surprise causing him to do a spit take. It was a girl with Red hair. "What are you doing on mah farm?", she asked. "Isn't it Applejack's.", he said. "Spike why are you talking to yourself?", said Scootaloo. "Wait is that?", the red haired girl said. She walked past Spike and saw Scootaloo resting by a tree. "SCOOTALOO!!!", the girl screamed running towards her. Scootaloo practically jumped when she screamed but was excited to see her friend. They were basically crying tears of joy. Another girl came up behind Spike giving him a fright. "Can you people stop doing thaaaa...", he was saying until he saw her. She was gorgeous. She gave him a small piece of paper. "Call me.", she said in his ear walking past him. "Sweetie Belle!", shouted Scootaloo. "Girls are crazy.", Spike said.

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