You are an Otsutsuki ?

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<< Shira pov >>

Months passed and I hadn't went back to visit anyone from my world.

Especially Calvin...

I didn't hear any of him, today I am free from any chores of training.

Obito said he gave me an off day, and only two days I free from anything. I did asked him to bring me along with him on his mission, but as for safety purpose, he didn't want me to go.

He still have to guard and protect Konoha from the outside. Winter season...

It must be really cold out there, snows everywhere in Konohagakure.

I walked alone, I was covered with thick pieces of clothing.

I wore a T-shirt, an inner sweater, tights and jeans together, warm socks and a big red scarfs covering my neck.

Since the winter was below 0 degree, I wore an extra brown winter sweater until knee-length and my hands were inside a pair of gloves.

I hate cold season... Expecting me to walk all the way to see Obito in this late night and it's cold as ice everywhere.

I arrived at the Konoha gate, I looked around to see Obito but no sign of it.

I sensed him nearby, I followed the way and leaded me outside the gate.

He built a fire beside him, staring at it.

He might have sensed me so he tilted up his head to meet my gaze.

I smiled to him, a warm smile.

"What bring you here, Shira? " He suddenly appeared at my front, bringing his hands holding both of mine.

" I'm here to see my lover, can't I ~ "

He was surprised at a moment, then he chuckled happily.

I wasn't sure why was he laughing, all I did was answer his question and he laughed.

He's an total idiot... Really..

"What's so funny " I sneered on purpose.

He snapped his fingers trying to get my attention.

"I feel love, that's all. " as he told me, he brought me to a passionate kiss and held me by him.

He leaded me to sit on the ground with him where he built the fire.

It was warm throughout the winter. The cuddlings, we laughed and moments we shared together here with him all night long as we sat together while the snows pouring onto us.


A voice that snapped both of us.

He motioned a finger on his lips, telling me to be quiet.

Obito slowly stood up and activated his sharingan.

Both of us sensed a chakra... Or maybe two or even more.

I believe it was a group of people.

I am now ready , they might attack us at any moment.

"Come out now, whoever you are. " Obito said loudly.

The snappings sound were now getting louder and closer, til then someone showed up.

Three people with cloaks, hoods covered their face we couldn't identify who are they.

They took out their kunai and approached to us.

Obito then reacted quickly, he took out three kunais and threw at them in one swift.

Say I Love You (Obito x Modern Reader )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें