Love , Confession

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<< Obito pov >>

"God.. I'm freaking tired... "

Shira dropped on the ground, she was too exhausted from the training. She was a pretty fast learner, she memorized two elements jutsu which are Wind style and Lightning style. Two of these elements made her stronger and levelled up to Ino's. I watched her all the lessons and she didn't complain any of it.

"Shira... You still have a little more to learn. " I told her, I was sitting down on a tree reading a book named IT. I was told by Shira that the book was categorized as horror stories. I didn't see any of the plot scary.. Instead I felt funny while reading it. I almost laughed every minute reading the next paragraph.

"Uurggh can't you just stop reading on that book? It gives me goosebumps! " she yelled tiredly looking at me.

"Are you saying that you're afraid? " I teased her, an evil smirk placed on my lips. She surprised at a moment, sitting up and looked away crossing her arms and legs together.

"Hmmphh! "

I sighed. I stood up and walk to her direction. To comfort a woman was an easy job, in that case.. I sat down behind her and crossed my legs with hers. She yelped but relaxed a bit as I pulled her to me hugging her. I layed
my chin on top of her small head .

"Are you scared right now? " I asked.

I could felt her smile although I didn't see her face to face. She shook her head lightly and I smiled as well.

Til then....

"Obito sensei! Let's have ramen together Dattebayo!!! "

Naruto?! What is he doing here?

Both of us tried to break free but our legs got stucked each other. We kept on struggling..

Too late...

"Obito sensei ~ I've found y.. ? What are you doing sensei?! " Naruto shouted at us while pointing. Both of us sweat dropped... Well he was still 17 years old, considered a child.

"Combating.. ? " Shira replied him with a flushed face.

Naruto leaned on closer, he stared at us with disbelief. I prayed silently for him not to find out any further, if not Kakashi get to kill me quickly. After a few minutes, he finally gave up and stood straight.

"Fine, so are you coming with me or not sensei? Shira, join us as well. We can have ramen again like before!!! "

I nodded to him and smiled. By the time I turned my head to see Shira, she was gone. I didn't even know how the hell she broke free from me...

"Hell yyyeeaahh! Come on Naruutttoooo!!! " she grabbed his arm and they 'hop' happily leaving me back there blinking in confusion.

Those idiots... I sweatdropped again.

---time skips---

"More! " Naruto and Shira craving them again and again. I just only had two bowls of ramen. If they kept on eating like these, my wallet will be thinner and thinner caused from lacked of fiber and vitamin.

"You know what sensei, I knew you were worrying. I can tell from your look and your eyes. " Naruto laughed at me. I groaned as he poking my arm.

Say I Love You (Obito x Modern Reader )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang