Hatake Kakashi , the Sixth Hokage

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It's been a month since I dated with Obito... I mean Obi-kun. Yes, I loved to call him by this nickname. He even used to it by calling him 'Obi-Kun'. There were times when he brought me to his own world, I also met a lot of new friends and had learnt a few of jutsu from each of them. So far I had familiar with body flicker jutsu.

"Shira? You're in there, baby? " I was busy wearing my clothes in the bathroom after my nice afternoon shower.

"Yes, Obi-Kun. You want anything? " I yelled a little enough for him to hear.

"We're going to see the Hokage later on. A celebration was held a few minutes from now. " He said.

"Ohh... just hang in there. I'll be out for a minute. "

I quickly wore my clothes, a blue fitted long sleeveless dress until my mid thigh. In one fast motion I grabbed my comb and combed my long hair til my shoulder. I opened up my door and took a step to our room, Obito was sitting on top of our sharing bed, both of his hands supporting him from his back.

" you look beautiful, Shira. " he smiled to me as he complemented. I fixed my hair and swung them behind my earlobes , trying to hide the blushes that appeared on my face.

"There's no need to hide anymore my dear. " He gently stood up and walked to me, caressing my cheeks. I placed one of my hand on his, staring at him at awe. He placed a small peck of kiss on my forehead and both of us chuckled each other.

"I need to bath. Then, we moved " He said while releasing me. I nodded in agreement and watched him stepped inside the bathroom with my towel on his left shoulder.

I'm still in love with this ninja...

After he took his shower, we both ready to take a leave and Obito teleported us to his world. We arrived at the town, people in Konoha were gathering outside the Hokage's building. They were cheering for the new Hokage and I wondering who will be the next Hokage after Lady Tsunade. By then, Obito watched me every single minute making sure that none of the brats would did such pervert things on me. How protective my boyfriend was to be with me... When the clock showed '9.00' am, loud firecrackers were sent to the free mid air and the people here were getting even louder and more cheerful.

"Ladies and Gentleman, allow me to introduce you the new Hokage, the Sixth Hokage of Konoha.. "

My ears perked up as I heard the starting, I wondered who was it. I forcefully grabbed Obito's arm and swung back to forth, I was too excited to be in the scene. He sweat dropped on my excitement and calmed me down.

"Excited are you ~ " he said.

"Of course I am. It's my first to see a celebration like that. I wonder who is the new Hokage. Aren't you curious Obi-Kun? " I asked him , fill with lots of curiousity while looking at him sideways. He shooked his head 'no' and smirked.

"You know who is it, aren't you.. " I glared, sending daggers to him. He just chuckled patted my head.

"Yes I do. Do you want to know who is the next Hokage? "

I pouted in front of him, my puppy eyes glimmering waiting for his answer. He grimanced and smiled to me.

"Just watch " that was his answer.

What..... He wants me to discover my own without giving me a hint.

"Allow him to steo forward, Hatake Kakashi " Lady Tsunade informed and Kakashi appeared with his new Hokage's suit. He was waving to the crowds while they were cheering at him.

My jaw dropped...

Kakashi.. New Hokage.. The pervy sensei ....The sixth.. ? This explained that why Obito isn't curious about who was the next Hokage.

Say I Love You (Obito x Modern Reader )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang