
13.7K 198 74

HEY GUYS!  wow long time no update huh? i just want to thank you all for 200k READS OH MY GOD. i never wouldve thought that my fanfiction wouldve recieved this much attention. im so happy (:

ANYWAYYY, since lterally ALL of you have been dying for an update, i have a surprise for you guys ((((((((((((((((:

if you follow me on twitter, you may already know this but..


it wll be titled "If I Go" & i will be posting the and first two chapters in 4 days (: i hope you guys are excited as i am because honestly ive missed writing so much!

before i stop rambling, you may have noticed that 2 things have changed: the title & cover art to ths story. the new title is "If I Stay", & the cover art is obviously the best couple ever, Jc & Lia (-:

thank you all once again for supprting me & voting & commenting your thoughts & just overall love. i love reading your comments that react to certain parts! it makes me laugh so hard tbh wow.

xoxoxoxo paycence

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