Chapter 11

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I remember when I was in the 10th grade, I had a crush on my best guy friend, Tony. We would always hangout after school, go ice skating, go to the beach, everything. We would also tell eachother everything, but that changed the day I told him I had a crush on him.

He stopped talking to me. He would avoid me in the hallway. Believe me, I hated it. It was like I went through hell & back when he stopped talking to me. I hated myself for developing those feelings for someone I cared about so much.

So I learned how to NOT love. I learned how to control my feelings towards people.

I learned how to push people away.

Its been 2 days since I spoke to Jc, but I still talked to Connor, Sam, & Kian. They always invite me over, but I say no because I know Jc will be there.

"He's sorry, Court." Connor says, huffing.

I take a sip of my tea. "Connor, you know Im never going to forgive him after what he said to me. So why do you keep trying?" Nalla walks in my room. "Mum needs you." I shoo her away.

I hear whispering from Connors end. "Because he likes you. He's really really sorry." I roll my eyes. "Look Con, you know I love you, but next time, try winning me over without Jc next to you. Bye." I click end, them push my phone in my back pocket. "You needed me?" I ask, walking into the kitchen.

Mums trying to open a can of tomato sauce. "Yeah. Do you think you can run to Rickys for me & get some spagehetti noodles?"

Great, just great.

"Sure." I smile, grabbing my penny board & heading outside.

The sun was shining bright in the blue summer sky, the light breeze pushing my hair back. I hop on my board & ride the 2 blocks to Rickys.

When I get there, the doors wide open. "Knock knock!" I say, walking in. Sam pokes his head through the hallway. When he sees me, he smiles. "Hey Court!" He walks up to me & hugs me tightly. "Hey sammy." I ruffle his hair. "Ive missed you!" I say, plopping down on the leather sofa. Sam sits next to me. "Ive missed you too. Hey listen. Uh, Im hosting this event down in the bay area, & I was wondering if you'd like to join me?" He gives me a cheeky smile. "Sure, Id love too!" He hugs me. "Thats great!" He pulls back, his chocolate brown eyes staring into mine. "Ill-Ill see you tonight." I nod. "Yeah, Ill see you!"

I hug him goodbye, then head back outside & back home.

"Hey did you get those noodles for me?" Mum asks as I set my board down. Shit. "Uh, Ricky didnt have any. He used them by accident." I lie. She huffs. "Okay, thank you though." I nod, them head back to my room.

I look at the time: 4:54 p.m. I should get ready for the event tonight.

I hop in the shower & wash my hair & body. After that, I wrap my hair in my towel & search through my dresser & closet for something to wear. I end up deciding on a pair of light wash skinny jeans, my white leather converse, & a light weight sweater. I then head to the bathroom & blow dry & loosly curl my hair. Then I apply a little mascara.

I check the time: 5:28. Ill just head down to Sams.

"Hey mum, Im going out to this event to support Sam. Ill be home before curfew." I kiss her goodbye & grab my penny.


"Youll love it there, I promise!" Sam exclaims, his eyes on the road. I giggle. "Im sure I will." I roll down my window & stick my head out of it. "The breeze feels so good!" I yell loud enough for him to hear me. "California air baby!" He shouts, hitting his hands on the wheel.

When we get there, there are a ton of cars parked all over the parking lot. It takes us about 10 minutes to find decent parking. "I see all the cars, but no people." Sam laughs, throwing his arm over my shoulder. "Theres us." He points towards a bonfire with many people dancing around & talking."Samster!" Calls a boy with dirty blonde curly hair. "Hey Jarred!" They do their weird man hug. "This is my best friend, Courtney." I wave awkwardly. "Hey, Im Jarred." He puts his hand out infront of him, & I shake it. "Its nice meeting you." He smiles, & I smile back. "The partys just getting started! Come on over guys." He runs off, kicking up sand in the process.

"Ill be up on stage, but call me if you need anything, okay?" He hugs me before running up on stage. "Lets get this party started!" Sam yells into the microphone. Everyone around me stomps their feet into the cold sand & shouts. I clap my hands, then go get some juice. "I wouldnt drink that if I were you." A skinny, tan blonde says, pulling my cup away from my mouth. "Uh, did someone put you in charge for what I can & cannot drink?" I snap, glaring at her. She darts a glare back at me. "No. Sorry. Go right ahead, drink on!" She puts her fist in the air, then runs off into the crowd of dancing bodies.

I look doen at my cup at the red liquid, & smell it. The smell of vodka filled my nose. Ah, it was rigged. I placed my cup on the table & walked up to Sam & 3 girls who were drooling over him. Sam sees me, & wraps his arm around my waist.

"Girls, meet Courtney!" The girls look at me disgusted before waltzing away. Sam looks down at the sand. "Hey wanna dance?" I hear myself spill out.

He looks up at me, his eyes twinkling. "Yeah." He grabs my hand & leads me into the crowd. "Having fun?" He asks, wrapping his arms around my waist. We were slow dancing to a fast song, but it didnt seem to bothee him or me.

I laugh. "Yeah, yeah I am. I almost drank the spiked juice." He laughs, throwing his head back. "You know, Court, Ive been meaning to tell you something thats been on my mind the past couple of weeks." I look into his eyes, trying to figure out what he was about to tell me.

"Listen, I uh, I like you."

I feel my heart skip a beat as the words flow out of his mouth.

I smile.

"I like you too."

He leans in, & gently places his soft lips on mine.

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