Like I Did Yesterday

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You were standing right there with all smiles talking to your friends. You're so happy and I don't want to spoil your day. But I have to.

We left our friend's house after the dinner. You're eyes are shining and you can't stop talking about the things you've learned from your girl friends. Here I was, listening to you even if I can't relate on those matters. It looks as though the days before. You are blabbering right here in the passenger seat inside the car while I am all ears to your incessant and almost gibberish talks but still loving it. Yeah, it was just like yesterday. But I am afraid that it wouldn't be the same tomorrow.

I remember the first time we met and you look so perfect. I remember the first time we've gone for a date, and you're wonderful. I recalled our first kiss and it's magical. All of those were beatiful things. But I don't know why it doesn't enthrall me anymore the way it did before.

I have realized some things as the days goes by, and that includes us. Don't want to spill the beans but honestly, the spark already died. How did it die? I don't know.
When? Still, no idea. Why? The truth, I have no clue at all.

I maybe a jerk for saying the thing that will break your heart but I believe I need to be free from this unhappy relationship. And so do you.

Waking up from my reverie, you are still chatting about random things. That moment, I mustered up the courage to tell the truth.


"Yes?" Your attention's upon me now. My throat felt like something's stuck inside it. But here it goes...

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"We need to break up."

Your face crumbled and I hate to see you hurt. I felt bad towards myself. "Why?"

"Don't deny it. We don't love each other anymore."

"What?! Are you stupid?"

"You know what? I hate the way you talk and treat me like I am some little boy incapable of thinking for himself. I am sick of your drama!"

"If you are sick of mine, then I am sick of yours too! You became so dull!"

"Oh really? Then sod off! I am letting you go. I don't love you anymore!"

Looks like the tears are gonna fall down from your eyes. I want to wipe it all away but I don't want to attached myself too much.

"Okay! It's over." Then the tears rolled down. Sobs are heard inside the car and my conscience is killing me slowly. Oh what have I done?

"Ssshhhh...Things will be alright after. Don't worry. This is for the better."

You lifted your head and asked. "You believe?"

I just nodded. The silence filled up the atmosphere afterwards. The sobs faded away but the tear strickened face is still evident from you.

"I knew this would happen," you spoke up all of a sudden.


"Gut feeling. I just don't know when will it happen."

"Well, the answer is already right here." We laugh bitterly.

"Is it gonna be fine?"

"Yeah it is."

My hitched breath got easy as you smile. I know there's pain and hurt but I know deep inside that you feel free and alive.

"Time to go home."

"Yeah. Home."

Our relationship might be broken now but I will always be the friend you once had and always will. In no time, all the tears will be wiped away and the pain will be replaced by love you deserve. Love from the person who deserved your love. And I know that's not me.

I don't love you like I did yesterday. Farewell.

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