The First of September

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September 1, 2005

Never in this day I would imagine that this day would be the major turning point of my entire life. Without you, this day would be just an ordinary day. But hell, you came along and ruined it. And I've never been the same again.

September 1, 2006

We're still classmates and you've grown a lot. You've changed too. Yet, my feelings for you still didn't change. In fact, it keeps getting stronger and stronger. I thought this little crush would just simply go away but I was so wrong. Tell me, when can I get you out of my head?

September 1, 2007

Freshmen stage feels so good, as what everybody says. Well for me, it's like stepping on a burning and sizzling hot, big frying pan or like walking barefooted on shattered pieces of glass. You're with somebody else this time. I just knew from my bestfriend. You know, you're cruel! Would you just let me suffer through all of this?

P.S.- By the way, you got yourself a bitch.

September 1, 2008

You gain a lot of attention. I expected it actually. You are handsome,smart,charming,gentleman. Anything a girl could ask for.

Unlike the past three years, you've been quite off to me. Everytime I smile at you,you'll just ignore me. Thanks anyway. You had save me some time of faking from you.

September 1, 2009

Rumors has it that you and your girlfriend broke up. I pretend to not care but the truth is, I am concerned about you. I want to comfort you just to take away all the pain you are going through. But I think it's unfair. After all, you didn't comfort the time when I was hurting from you.

P.S.- Correction. I am still hurting from you.

September 1, 2010

You've completely disappeared without even saying goodbye. I thought we were friends. Oh, we weren't since the day that you have been cold to me. I couldn't care less. Go away! Go away while you leave me here broken. I'm in love with you, don't you know that?

P.S.- Bad luck, you stupid man-whore.
P.P.S.- Just kidding.

September 1, 2011

I didn't expect that you and I would be friends again. Mom sent me to the same school you're attending now in college. You smiled at me. I never thought you would. My mind says, 'don't smile at him' but my heart says 'smile, he's a friend.' Then, I followed my heart. I welcome you with open arms and uttered a simple,'hello, it's me.'

September 1, 2012

Your parents are filing for a divorce. You said you wanna quit life. I said don't. And that's enough for you to smile. Oh how lucky I am.

September 1, 2013

I'm falling in love with you all over again. All the feelings came rushing back. But I know, that I am still a dear friend to you.

P.S.- You look pale today huh?

September 1, 2014

Running. I am running down to the hospital, clutching my phone so hard. Your mom called me, saying that you got rushed to the hospital. Why though? As I reached the room you're in. I saw you helpless on the bed. I cried and hold you so tight. You laughed at me so I smacked you in the arm, making you wince in pain. But I didn't apologized. I asked the reason why are you here in the hospital.

You chuckled and answer, "I did catch leukemia. Just a little scratch."

September 1, 2015

I spent my days and nights beside you. Caring for you. Everyday, my heart slowly dies as I see you getting weaker and weaker. The doctor estimated that three hours...three hours from now, you would eventually rest for good forever.

"How can I spent my last three hours with you?" I asked. A sweet smile came from your lips and you replied, "Just say you love me.

"I love you," I told you and hug you so tight that I almost choked you to death. Ironic, isn't it?

But anyways, you smiled and kiss me on my lips. I was so shocked before I could sink in what happened. "I love you too," you said. We just gaze at each other for a while. You reached for my hand and interlocked it with yours like you never want to let go. Believe me, I will never let you go. Never gonna let you go.

September 1, 2016

Reminiscing all the moments we shared, tears came rolling down. Sometimes, life won't give all the things you want. But let's be grateful for it because of that, new lessons are learned. We haven't had that much time but never doubt, I've been the happiest person with those days that I am with you. Don't worry love, I'm gonna be following you soon.

Three hours to go, and I will be with you again.

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