Newfound Romance: 2

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Morning, during eating my breakfast, the door burst open revealing Garrett behind it.

I thought for a moment he find out about my true feelings for Mandy. But as I took a good look at his face, his not angry. He's in a good mood actually. With that, I let out a breathe of relief.

Out of curiosity, I asked him. "What are you doing here Garrett?"

He took a seat across me and lean his arms in the table. "Well, I have a good news for you."

"What is it?" 'Are you breaking up with Mandy? If that so, it's a good news.' I inwardly scold myself from thinking that.

"I'm setting you up for a date."

I almost choked of what he said. A date? Sorry, I am preoccupied. "Is that even a good news?"

Garret's brows furrowed. "Aren't you happy?"

"I won't be especially if you will set me up to some ugly cow," I joked.

"Don't worry. I have a good taste in women," he grinned. 'Yeah. Mandy is a good taste man.' Again, I berated myself from thinking about it. Well, to be honest, Mandy is an ideal woman. Her boyfriend would be so lucky. That's what makes me envious of Garrett.

"So you're in?" he asks, breaking me from my train of thoughts.

In my mind, I am listing the pros and cons. Pros weighs more but I had doubts in entering the dating stage again. One more thing, I don't want to experience another heartbreak. But maybe, my reasoning is too fast forward.

I guess, I've got nothing to lose so I agreed. "Okay. I'm in."


Garrett asked me to come to their apartment on Thursday before my dinner date.

Thursday night, I do as what he told me. As I knock on the door, Mandy opened the door for me. She was in a momentary state of shock but quickly recovered. "Oh-uhmm, hi Dean. What are you doing here?"

"Didn't Garrett told you?"

"Told me what?"

Before I can reply, Garrett greeted as he descended from the stairs. "Hi Dean! Ready for your date?"

Mandy turned her head swiftly at Garrett that you can practically hear the crick on her neck. "Date?"

Garrett draped his right arm over Mandy's shoulders, sporting an apologetic face. "Sorry babe. I forgot to tell you that Dean decided to step out of the shell and go out for a date!"

Her face crumbled after for a while. Then she plastered a fake smile. "Okay. Enjoy!"

Garrett tug me out of their apartment. He looks so excited more than I. He keeps on babbling and babbling about the girl I would met up but I can't concentrate on what he is saying. All I can think about is Mandy's reaction.


Her name is Josephine. Josie for short. She's beautiful. Same height as me. She looks like a model. But she didn't captured me.

We've talk but later on I got bored. She keeps on zoning into topics about my job and her job. And I don't like how she gush and brag of her achievements. Instant turn off if you ask me.

Overall, it's not a great date. It's far from what can you call a great date. Horrible is the word.

I told Garrett the details and he told me he's dismayed about the girl. He really thought she is kinda cute. Anyways, he would just search for another one for me to date. As far as I'm concern, I don't need any girl but I didn't bother to protest to his plan.

A date after a date and plenty of dates followed but I always got the same results. There is some point that I thought I would stay single for life. With that, I came into a decision to just put the dinner dates into a halt.

Garrett respected my decision but he made me promise that I won't be alone for a lifetime.

Tonight, I drove my way to Garrett's to hang out. Turns out Garrett's on the grocery, leaving Mandy and I all alone.

We were quiet for a moment but she chose to broke the silence. "So I've heard you took a timeout in going out with women."

"Yeah. I decided to try dating men," I answered with dripping sarcasm which elicited an eye roll from her.

"How's life?" she asked as we sat on the couch. "Anything interesting?"

"Life's been better. Especially my lovelife. Dating men is so much better."

With that, I earned a slap on the arm from her. "Will you stop being sarcastic?"

"No. Unless if you're a male. I would be sweet to you."

Again, she rolled her eyes. But with laugh trailing behind. "I didn't know boys could have this effect on you."

"Believe me, I didn't know too."

We stared at each other and snorted afterwards. Not a minute later, awkwardness again centered in our conversation.

"About the night you got drunk, is it true what you've told me?" I asked.

"Told you what?" She questioned acting like she doesn't have any clue when the real thing is she exactly knew what I am talking about.

"Don't act dumb Mandy. I know that you know you told me that you like me!"

"Stop Dean! I am drunk that time."

"Drunk? Then tell me how could you remember that?"

"It's not true Dean-"

"For you it isn't but for me, I am being honest. I love you Mandy."

Staring into each other's eyes, we were immersed in our thoughts and feelings. It took a door bell to cut it all off.

"Garrett's here-"

I grabbed her arm and grip it tight, never wanting her to let go. "Mandy..."

"Get off me Dean..." And she shrug me off and stride towards the door to open it. "Hi Garrett."

She greeted him with a kiss on the cheek. After that, she took the paper bags and head to the kitchen.

Garrett and I talk for minutes yet I am not engaged to our conversation as my eyes keeps on travelling to the woman in the kitchen.

I am like jittery. Also comfortable at the same time watching her place the food in the fridge.

Why do this girl have this effect on me? How can she do that?


A/N: I know. It's lame. I will make it up to the next part of the Newfound Romance. That will be the last part.

Again, thanks to all my readers! I appreciate the time you've pour in reading this even with the wrong grammars and typos all over the place.


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