"This is going to Twitter."

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"And when the stars go out, you can rest your love on me." - The Vamps
Lauren's P.O.V.:
"Thank you for accepting our request!" Joe, The Vamps manager thanked us as we welcomed him back. Katherine ended the call and ordered us to pack our things.

I took my suitcase and place all the things I need. I put some clothes in there, probably appropriate for the weather in Europe. Yes, we're having our tour in Europe. We were all very excited with this one, so we really made sure that we packed all our things.

"Lauren, where's my power bank?!" Lisa shouted across my room. I rolled my eyes. I gave her the power bank that she left in my room because she forgot to bring it back in her room.

"Your welcome." I said sarcastically.

"Thank you." She said, sarcasm dripping in her voice.

I went back to my room to continue packing my things. I included some things that I really need like my The Maze Runner series or my song book- my song book is where I usually write my lyrics or if ever I feel like I want to sing. It has a lock on it which I only own the key so nobody can see it.

After packing, I lay down at my bed feeling very tired. This was what I usually do after packing things, I either have a little rest or take a nap. Just when I was about to close my eyes, I heard someone knocking the door. I groaned.

I wasn't able to stand up yet when the door flew open. I was greeted by Christina standing there. But there was something odd. She was holding a hanger that has a blue sleeves dress that reached until her thigh but a little longer. And at her other hand, she was holding a matte blue high heels which I admit, looks so good. What is she up to?

"Does it look good?" She asked while smiling like a maniac. I looked at the outfit one more time. It looks so fancy, with its white belt around it with a little transparent cloth at the end of the dress. Plus, the design of the heels is so gorgeous. It's like the kind of outfit that girls were during their dates. Is Nick taking her out on a date or dinner?

"Hmm. Yours?" I asked as I nodded my head. She gave me a smirk which confuses me.

"Yours." She hands me the outfit that she was holding a while ago with a satisfied smile.

"Huh, Why?" I asked eagerly. Why would she give me this kind of dress for no reason? I can't recall her announcing us that we will go to a special occasion, aside from the tour. And plus, I'm not into those kind of styles. I prefer wearing a simple t-shirt with black jeans and flannel rather than those kinds of dresses during dates.

"You know, just in case you'll go on a date with someone." She suggested with a smirk on her face. She knows that I haven't move on from him.

I protested. There's no way I'm going to bring that on tour. It's useless. And In addition, who will go on a date with me?

"Nope. It's final. You'll bring this." She said as she folded the dress and placed it on my suitcase. I grabbed the heels and placed it far away from her.

"I'm not bringing this." I warned her while holding the heels with my disgusted face.

"Fine." She said in defeat as she grabbed the heels from me and went out from my room. I closed the zipper of my suitcase and lay down for one more time. I hope no one would disturb me now.

Sleepy, my eyes drifted into a deep sleep.

-After a few hours-

"Lauren, wake up." Someone shook me, attempting to wake me up. I opened my eyes slowly, and saw my window still dark, expecting it to be sunny. Wait what?

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