Shooting Stars

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I frowned, just now realizing we were watching Leo suffer. Suffer . . . That's a word I'd never thought to use in the same sentence with Leo. Actually, nevermind: Leo! You make me suffer from your overly annoying jokes. Yeah, I can think of many ways I could use suffer in a joking manner, but not seriously.

Hot tears poured from Leo's cheeks as he saw the back sign of: Welcome to Texas! As much as he wants to leave, Leo felt the sudden urge to get off of the bus and run back to his house. He wanted his beloved mamá to hold him in her long arms and whisper sweet nothings in his ear.

He wanted Allison to tell him ridiculous stories of her past that would always make him remember his times with his mamá. By now, the tears seemed to become a never ending beautiful river on on his tan face. That would never happen. Not now and not in a million years. Both of them were dead and there was no way in getting them back.

My eyes drifted off towards Nico who seemed even more distraught than Leo did which was shocking. It was as if he . . . Cared? I almost laughed at the thought. Nico caring Leo? Now I'd pay good money to see that. But still . . .

"There's no point in crying over someone who's dead," Leo scolded with himself. He needed to get his head out of the past. It wasn't healthy, not for him at least. "Plans." Leo muttered, fumbling around for a note-pad he carried around. He did his best to ignore the red suspenders Allison gave him as a parting gift. As he lightly shoved it away, Leo's hands lightly touched the fabric of a worn-out army jacket.

He instantly recoiled his back.

"Army jacket?" I muttered to myself. Then I remembered his mother's army jacket which was given to him before she died.

Hesitantly, he picked it up. He picked it up with such gentlenses, as if it would burn up in his hands. Leo brought it up to his face, sniffing in the weird combination scents of rose petals and car grease: the scent of his beloved mama. He hugged it gingerly in his arms, allowing himself to imagine his mamá wrapping her slender arms around him.

I smiled sadly, watching the eight year old version of Leo wanting nothing but the loving embrace of his mother.

Once again he let his tears get the best of him, allowing it to flow down his face. "Y-you're gone now," Leo sobbed, his voice muffled due to his face buried deep in the jacket; his tears soaking it all up. "T-then why does i-it feel like my world is ending? Why can't I function correctly without you? Why am I falling apart?" Leo cried harder which caused a few worried and annoyed glances from the passangers.

We all shared worried glances, not knowing how to react to this . . . Leo. It's unknown to us, Leo breaking down that is. He's the one with the smile on his face, so no one in the world would assume Leo's mother died. In fact, if someone told me that, I'd laugh at their face. But watching him cry it's . . . unnerving.

He gazed up at the night sky, the stars winking at him in a mocking way. He'd remember what his mamá used to say about them. "Beyond the Earths atmosphere, there are these big bright balls of gases that we call stars. Although, they may seem close, but they're actually many light years away. It takes so many years for their bright light to reach us!" His mamá would say wistfully as they admired the night sky.

I smiled at the facts Leo's mother was stating knowing that they were true. I love astronomy because it never ceases to amaze me. (And I love Voltron!!!)

Leo would look at the sky, excited to share the recently learned facts to his classmates. His mamá would turn to look at him, her beautiful brown eyes staring into his redish- brown ones.   However, as the moonlight shined upon him, it gave the effect of his eyes becoming like a soft ember: warm, inviting, and stunningly beautiful.

Losing Hope *Leo's Memory Fic* (Discontinued)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz