1. In the middle of the night, in my dreams you should see what we do

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AN: Hi guys :)
I've been planning this book for a couple of months now. I want to thank all of those whose support I've had since my other book. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I did writing it.

Enjoy x

Craig's POV


As I was walking hand and hand with my boyfriend Tweek currently to his locker. I was comforting him; He's terrified of walking alone anywhere ever since some giant spider attacked the school last week. Crazy right? Not really. It's was quite normal for all of us. We lived in a small mountain town called South Park. The sad part is the spider incident isn't the weirdest thing that has happened to our small town. We've survived many things from aliens abductions to Barbra Streisand turning into a metal Godzilla version of herself and began demolishing the town. I know crazy. If only you knew the half of it.

As we walked I saw a lot of couples showing many different displays of affection to each other. From kissing to hugging. I would definitely do that if I actually was in a real relationship. I know, I just said I was walking with my boyfriend hand and hand, but the truth is. He wasn't really my boyfriend. We are in a pretend relationship for the sanity of the town.

It all started when we were kids in elementary school. A entire new group of Asian students began to draw fanart of Tweek and I. We both were skeptical about the entire scenario since we initially found out when the entire school did in an assembly projecting the art.

This ended up creating an entire fan base for him and I. We didn't want to be portrayed as gay since we both weren't. We planned a fake breakup in front of the all the kids at our school only for it to backfire on not only me, but the entire town. You see when we staged the whole thing we were expecting for things to just go back to normal and forget about this stupid thing ever happening. The problem was it didn't. The whole town went into a huge depression that caused a lot of sadness to surround the town.

In the aftermath, we ended up just getting back together and continuing this entire charade of being South Parks first gay millennials. This leading up to being together for almost seven years about to go on eight.

This entire charade is finally becoming such a burden to me already. I'm tired of not being able to get any chicks because I'm apparently tied down to my best friend Tweek. Over the past few years, Tweek and I have become more than just acquaintances. More like to best friends now. Before I got stuck into this thing with Tweek; the guy and I hardly talked. Now I know almost everything about the boy.

From his biggest fear to little details like how he is so sensitive when it comes to his coffee in the morning. He needs a specific amount of creamer and sugar in his drink or he will not drink it. Coffee is practically 70% of his bloodstream. He sometimes can't sleep at night so I have to spoon the boy to sleep, he sometimes comes into my house at four in the morning to wake me up just so I can help him relax.

It was like taking care of a child. I didn't mind it at all because I think Tweek is the only person who has seen my sensitive side. I think it's because I have never had a girlfriend so sometimes I like to pretend that Tweek holds that place in my life. I occasionally when I cuddle him do small things like nuzzling his neck with kisses that make him laugh when his parents are around. That's what's been keeping me sane all these years is the friendship.

A Star Between Two Lost Lovers || (TweekXCraig) || CreekOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant