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Charlotte's POV

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Charlotte's POV

After a few fights, screaming matches, and some crying, my mom got me into getting on this damn plane.

I was grumpily staring off my window, looking into the clouds floating upon once until I realized that there's supposed to be WiFi on this jet.

I snooped through my bag and turned on my phone.
I let out a gasp as I saw the lines up, meaning I had internet. Then my phone began to receive hundreds of notifications, one after the other.

I saw the news about the hurricane
Are you okay?
Please answer once you get the chance

You okay?

Let's put the bullshit aside
Just tell me you're okay

I'm not fucking playing
Please answer me
Im going mad not knowing about you

Tell me you're safe

Are you okay?
Is your phone working?

Stay safe please
Not knowing if you're okay is giving me anxiety

Damn. I didn't think I'd have all these people checking in on me.

Besides those text messages, I had thousands of mentions on my social accounts. They were all asking wether I was alive or not. Which was kinda funny.

Instead of answering everyone one by one, I went in snapchat and took a picture, which I captioned "I'm alive!!!" I posted it and scrolled up to see who had seen it during the few seconds it's been up, and to my surprise it already had a couple hundred views. I chuckled and went on Twitter.

chhhharlotte: hey guys! just wanted to let everyone who worried about me know that im okay!! thx to everyone who reached out <3

chhhharlotte: hopefully I'll give you guys something soon 👀

After sending out those tweets I interacted with a few fans who replied to my posts. Then something caught my attention. Justin had released a new song with piety; Deja Vu. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked for my headphones. I connected them to my phone and played the song so I could listen to it as I kept catching up on Twitter.

"Tell me is that deja vu?
'Cause you want me and I want you
Tell me is that deja vu?
'Cause baby it ain't nothing new, no..."

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