33: Maria

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Charlotte's POV

I let out a tired laugh as David said something stupid.

We were all sitting in the dark, with candles and flashlights to keep us from bumping into each other or falling.

I slept through most of the hurricane, I thought everything was fine. The wind did make scary noises during the beginning, and then it was all rain, I didn't think it was a big deal. That was until we first stepped outside.

My grandma lost her house due to a flood in her neighborhood, so I'm thankful that she stayed with us, only god knows what would've happened if she hadn't.

Our phones weren't working so, my dad stopped by to check on us. So did the rest of the family. Today we gathered at my moms place to make a huge cook out before the food went bad due to the lack of electricity.

Our hopes of it returning had already burnt out so. This was our remedy.

Our only entertainment was each other. We hung out now more than ever, we volunteered to clean up the streets, and help out in the neighborhood as much as we could.

We're patiently waiting for things to get normal, but it doesn't seem like it will any time soon.

Justin's POV

It's been a week since the hurricane happen. I've tried to dial Charlotte almost everyday, but there's no change. Her phone seems to be out of service still.
I've tried calling Ariana, David, and even tried Cameron's number, which I didn't even know I had. But it's no use. None of them have service.

I sighed as I scrolled through my contacts, thinking about who haven't I tried calling yet.

I came across Amy's contact and pondered on wether it was even worth trying calling her. I tapped on her number and pressed my phone to my ear, hoping that by some miracle I'll be able to reach her and find out how they're doing.


"Hello? Justin? Honey, are you there?"

I heard her voice and stood up from my seat. I covered my mouth with my hand as my heart began to beat faster.

"Amy? He-hey, I've been trying to reach you guys, are you guys okay?" I anxiously asked. "I've been trying to keep up with the news but- but they don't show anything good. I've been worried sick."

"Yes hon, we're all safe." "I didn't even know my phone worked until you called!" She said surprised.

"I'm- I'm happy to hear that." I said as I let out a deep breath. "How are things actually going?" I asked. "Is it as horrible as they make it seem?"

She let out a deep breath and said "Things are a bit scary. There's zero electricity, no water service, and we're running out of diesel for the generator. And the whole island is short on food and other supplies." "But we're managing."

I nodded as I ran my hands through my hair. "How is Charlotte?" I asked. "She's okay." She said, making me nod. "She's outside with David and Ashley, I'll pass her the phone if you want."
"No!" "No. That's alright." I said. Although I was worried sick about her these past days, I was too scared to talk to her.

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