12 | Real Life

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Jacks POV

"I really like her Jonah" I told Jonah as we were waiting for the uber to take us back to our house. "Like I really really like her, when i'm around her my heart beats twice as fast and my words come out as jumbled up and then i sound stupid... it makes her laugh though... her smile is amazing, her eyes ... i could look at her eyes all day—" I said as i was cut off by Zach.

"We get it, you like her. Are you trying to make me puke" He said pretending to be sick into the bushes that were behind the bench we were sat on.

"I'm sorry" i say as i laugh and rub the back of my neck because i was embarrassed. Whenever i think of her i get butterflies to my stomach and I can't stop speaking about her.

"You know ... I think I know her from somewhere" Jonah said as he dragged me from my thoughts.

"Oh yeh? Where from" Corbyn and I said at the same time which was very creepy ngl.

"I think it was 3 years ago, yeh it was ... " Jonah's expression went blank. "shit... I have to talk to her now... Do you have her address Jack?" Jonah said as he jumped from his seat on the bench, panic had now taken over his face.

I shook my head "no i don't sorry"

"Can you find out.." Jonah asked me, with the look of sorrow on his face. "Please it's an emergency"

"I can ask her" I replied to Jonah.

I got my phone out and called her number ... "please pick up" i whispered under my breath. no reply.

Kamryn's POV

My phone started to ring in my back pocket, i ignored it as the figure in front of me turned around to look.

"Hey" he spoke, my jaw dropped and my mouth was hanging wide open as i stared at him. he started to walk over to me.... i didn't know what to do.

"Hey" he repeated, i was so confused and i'm sure he was too "I'm Logan" he said as he put his hand out to shake mine. I shook his hand then ran off the my apartment. Holding my skateboard in one hand and my shopping bags in another, i ran inside, dropped everything and ran straight to the bathroom.
I slammed the door shut and went to look in the mirror. Tears had began to form in my eyes and started to fall down my face. I backed up against the bathroom door and slid down it until i reached the floor. I cupped my face into my hands and started to sob.

I can't believe that i had just seen him.

— 4 hours later —

It was now around midnight, i can't believe that i had spent all that time in the bathroom crying. I went to my bedroom to get changed into something more comfortable, i threw on some black leggings and a cropped jumper which had the word "whatever" written across it. I then went back into the bathroom to look in the mirror. i stared blankly at my tear stained face, i wanted to cry at the sight of it but i had no tears left.
slowly i walk out of the bathroom to get a bottle of water as I hear a knock on my door. Forgetting about what i looked like, i walked over to the door and opened it to reveal a concerned looking Jack...

"How did you find me?" i asked, my cheeks were red from all the crying.

"I had to make sure you were okay, plus logan told me about what happened" Jack told me. Logan ... i can't believe i live on the same floor as Logan Paul ... LA was meant to help rebuild me, not tear me apart ...

Jack broke me from my train of thoughts "Are you okay? I can see you've been crying, come on". he let himself in and took me to the couch. i sat on the couch as her searched my freezer for ice cream. he found a tub of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough and brought it over with 2 spoons. i still didn't say anything.
he sat down next to me and took the tv remote. he switched on a movie and he got a blanket. i cuddled into him resting my head on his chest, i felt tears rolling down my face. Jack saw me crying and pulled me into another one of his warm hugs.

"Everything will be okay. You've got me... I'm here for you" Jack said in the most reassuring voice ever.

I fell asleep in his arms. i had never felt safer.

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