Dream Twenty-Two

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I think me and my older sister Meagan were wizards or something like that. We were in this grassy area with this group. It was night time but I could that there were different paths leading away from the grassy area, a blue one, a gold one, and a red one. For some reason, I knew that even though each path lead to the same place not all of us would take the same one. We were standing in a group surrounding this podium.

My dad was at the podium and he started saying that he would give us directions to the castle after his speech and revealing the meaning of our dreams to us. He gave a long drawn out speech then told people what their most recent dreams meant. When he got to mine, he gave me this mediocre meaning which only covered part of the dream. I don't even knew if I've ever had this dream or not but I do remember a specific part of it. In the part, my own hand was cut off and trying to strangle me. I got mad and told dad that my dream had four main parts and he only covered three of them. He was like it does not matter and told me to go away.

"I can't because you haven't told me which path to take to get to the castle!" I snapped. He pointed lazily at the blue path. I stormed away feeling upset. Following the path, I suddenly found myself winding my way through a really nice house to the basement to this train. Yes, the entrance to the train was in the house. There were other people on board at the front of the train. The conductor, a dark skinned Dutchess dress in purple, and a cute dark haired boy. I climbed on board and immediately went to the back of the train. The train was long and didn't have any cars. I passed by other passengers but at the back of the train was empty except for my seven younger siblings. (I'm the second eldest of nine.)


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hey looked bored. I found a small TV and started setting it up so they could watch a movie. I was missing a piece so I went back to where I entered the train. I found Meagan and she had found a bigger TV and had set up. I didn't like that she had set it up where there were other people around but the little kids came crowding around it too fast for me to complain. We heard our brother Alex yell for help and we took off running down the train. We found Alex in the part of the train that had a pool in it. The pool water was cloudy and looked old and stale. Alex was beside the pool, soaked, and laying on the ground in front of him was a man with grey colored skin. He looked like he had drowned.


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Help me revive him!" Alex said, doing compressions on the guys chest. You and me pulled out wands and tried our best to draw revive and draw out the water from his lungs. But it didn't seem to be working. Alex was distressed but picked the guy up and carried him to front of the train where he laid him down on the floor.

"Who was he?" He demanded of the conductor, the dutchess, and the young dark haired boy. They said nothing just stared in horror.

There was a cough and suddenly the grey guy seemed to come back to life. He sat up, looked around and said, "Seven. . . six. . . five. . . four. . . " I suddenly realized that he was counting down for a bomb. "NO!" I screamed. "Three. . . two. . . one. . ."  

There was an explosion not far from where we stood and it was really bad because our train traveled under water like a submarine. The conductor, Meagan, Alex, and me ran to were the explosion occurred and water was flowing in like crazy. We pulled out our wands but our magic wasn't strong enough to fill the holes. The conductor was strong enough however and seemingly by himself, he pushed the water out and mended the holes. He was known for being an extremely strong magic user and no one knew how he achieved his strength. No one, except me. I don't know how I know but steroids not only had an effect on the body but could also strengthen magic. It was just a fact that I knew and it made sense. Kinda.

We went to the front and were going to confront the grey man but he was out cold. We didn't had to confront him though because it was then revealed to us that his bomb was supposed to go off years ago. Except on orders of the dutchess, he was drowned before he could finish the count down. Unspokenly, I knew the reason the dutchess had him drowned was because she didn't have an appropriate outfit for an emergency evacuation. She was royally pissing me off. The bomb was placed on purpose because the train was old and supposed to go out of commission.

After hearing their explanation, I went and followed the conductor and cute haired boy around as they did various things around the train. Making repairs and doing check ups. The boy kept complaining that he wasn't strong enough for most of the repairs and the conductor told him not to worry. I felt like we should watch out just in case the conductor decided to slip any steroids into us. We met up with the Dutchess and she was pulling out the clothes racks of her enormous wardrobe. She greeted us kindly then proceeded to gloat about the amount of clothes she had brought with her and it not even being half of what she had. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window at the clear blue ocean passing by outside. Then I woke up.

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