Dream Eighteen

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I had a dream that for some reason Harry Styles didn't like anyone petting his hair or really touching it. This one fan girl was taking a video of her asking him if she could pet his hair. 

He said, "Sorry, love. No." 

The girl glanced back at the camera and you could tell that she was determined to touch it anyways. Well, she did and it upset H so he walked out of the room. She tried to follow him but there was a big party going on outside the room and he had disappeared into the crowd. She started seeing signs around that started making her think that she had been used. She was feeling really upset when a group of girls came up her and told that H didn't actually want her here and pushed her into the pool. 

However, the girl couldn't swim and started drowning so that I, seeing what had happened, jumped in to save her. I pulled her out and she blubbered and told me everything that happened and then she took off running and that's when I stopped following her in my dream. Something dream me knew even though not shown directly was that the girl had only really been interested in two things. Being famous and getting in Harry's pants. So, yes, she was actually very shallow. Another thing I knew was that the signs that she saw that made her feel used weren't put up or even Harry's idea and he had just gone to get a drink before he was gonna head back. 

Even though, yes, someone petting his hair was a simple thing, someone doing it deliberately after already being told no was a blatant show of disrespect. (At least, it seemed like that to me. It seemed very rude to ask and then go against their wishes because you didn't get the answer you wanted.) The girls who had pushed the other girl into the pool were jealous and the real reason behind the signs and other stuff to get the girl to leave.

After the girl did leave, I stared off after her before I started walking around the party. I found Harry, told him what happened, then started walking away. I woke up just as he grabbed my arm and started chatting with me. Then I woke up

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