Dream Tweny-One

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Then I dreamed that me and dad were in this car on this mission and i kept interrogating people for information and if they knew the way out of this great pyramid. I think, I was sort of still trying to help the people escape from the island and the pirates that were from a previous dream. Anyways, we were in this car driving really fast and I got scared because we went across this patch of ice and nearly went skidding. Then we got directions to this tunnel which was full of these slim black tree like creatures that will eat your soul. We made it there and were joined by Black Widow (I think it was her since she had red hair and a black suit and was good with good guns and had some fancy moves). She had already figured out how to go through the tunnel safely so she grabbed us and started jumping around in the tunnel. By jumping, I mean, she was everywhere and off the walls. What happened when she landed on the walls was that a green spirit was released and the tree creatures would attack that instead of attacking us. Her movements and timing had to be precise otherwise she would have jumped into a creature while it was going for a spirit. They had an official name that started with a T but I'm not completely sure what it was even though in my dream when I checked the map, I saw it spelled. Tauroki? I don't know. Anyways, we got to the other side and suddenly we all had super powers. I had power over the elements. It was good because we ended up having to fight these slimy creatures which couldn't function when dried out so I sent mini sand storms at them to make them stop firing at us. I got hit once in the shoulder and it was like acid that I had 30 seconds to wash off before it completely ate my arm. I managed to wash it off but was left with a bad burn that stung a lot. Other than that we managed to get through it just fine. Dad was like Mr Fantastic and could stretch his arms and the Black Widow girl was super strong.  Then I woke up.

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