Flashback Rory

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Rory's graduation.
"Rory, please answered me. Please will you marry me?"Logan asked her desperately.

"Logan, I'm not ready, I've just graduated."Rory answered him honestly while handing him the ring.

"Then I guess this is goodbye."Logan told her.

"Does it have to be all or nothing?" Rory asked him with tears in her eyes.

"Yes it's to, we just can't go back to the way it used to be."Logan told her while putting back the ring in his pocket.

"Please we don't need to end this."Rory told him.

"Yes it has to. Goodbye Rory, take care. "Logan told her.

And with that Logan left Rory just standing there. Those was the last words that Logan told Rory. A few days after the ceremony, Rory had gone to Logan's apartment to pack down her stuff. Luckily for them both, Logan wasn't there. She began putting her things into the boxes she had brought with her. As she entered the bedroom, she saw a picture of her and Logan on his graduation. Just seeing that picture made her cry.

"I HATE YOU.. For doing this to me.."Rory screamed out loud while grabbing the picture and slammed it into the floor.

After she had slammed the picture, she grabbed all her boxers and walked out from the apartment one last time and put the key through the mailbox. Then she left the building never looking back.

She loaded her stuff into her car, then she drove home to Stars Hollow.
She arrived in Stars Hollow around 13.30, she drove straight to her childhood home. She stopped the car and walked into the house.

"Mom, I'm here!!" Rory screamed throughout the house.

"Your mom isn't here, she's at the Inn. But I'm here."Christopher greeted her while hugging her.

"Hey dad, how are you?"Rory asked him while hugging him back.

"Aren't I'm the one who's supposed to ask you that?"Christopher answered her.

"I'm okey considering." Rory told him while putting her bags down.

Rory walked into her old room, Lorelei had kept it the same way since Rory had moved out. It was like a time capsule.
Suddenly her phone buzzed, she grabbed it and looked at it. She had gotten a text message from Finn.

"I hope your doing okey, because Logan is doing like crap." ~ Finn.

"And why should I care? I'm sorry Finn. But I wanted to stay together, I just weren't ready to get married." ~Rory.

"I know love, I'm not saying what he did was right but you both should have talked things through." ~ Finn.

"He didn't even want to talk to me, I didn't want to break up with him." ~ Rory.

"I think he regrets what he did." ~ Finn.

"You can tell him to take care and I want to have space. But you and me can keep in touch right?" ~ Rory.

"Of course love, I'm here if you need to talk"❤️ ~ Finn.

"Thanks Finn, really appreciate it."~ Rory.

2 years later Rory had just finished following Barack Obama's campaign. During her time on the campaign, she had meet a guy named Brad Walker.

They began talking, then after a while they started going out. Rory had slowly began to forgotten about Logan. It had been hard at first but Brad had been wonderful to her.
One day she had gotten a message from Finn asking it she wanted to meet up with him for coffee. She had agreed to meet him.

A few days after Finn had messaged her, she walked into the coffee house and saw him.

"Hello love, been a while. How are you?" Finn greeted her while hugging her.

"Hey Finny, yes it has been. I'm great, how about you?" Rory told him while hugging him back.

"I'm great, what have you been up to?" Finn asked her while sitting down at the table.

"Well I got back from the campaign a few months ago. I've actually meet some one.." Rory told him while biting her lip.

"Oh? What's his name?" Finn asked her trying to sound happy.

"His name is Brad Walker and he is a reporter too." Rory answered him.

"That sounds great love, I'm glad you've moved on from Logan." Finn told her.

"What about Logan?"Rory asked him while suddenly regretting asking the question.

"Logan's drinking and gambling. I don't think he will ever get over you love." Finn answered her.

"Oh, I'm just not really surprised to be honest. What he did to me.. I'm not saying I was better then him." Rory told him while drinking from her cup.

"You haven't heard anything from him since you broke up?" Finn asked her.

"No, to be honest I'm glad that I haven't heard anything from him because I still can't deal with him." Rory answered him.

It had now been 3 years since Rory had meet Brad and they had moved in together after 1,5 years after they had meet. But one day when Rory had called Brad's phone, another woman  had answered his phone. It later turned out that he had been sleeping with her. In a result of that Rory had thrown out everything of his stuff. 

After their relationship had ended, Rory had left for Chicago were the papers headquarters was. Where she slowly had become the Vice President of the news paper that she had worked at since the campaign had ended. She did her work in Chicago, which involved a lot of charity advents, publishing a bunch of articles. She even had a article written about her being the youngest VP that Chicago Gazette had ever had.

It had been another three years after she had arrived in Chicago. One day Rory found herself in London for a big conference for a bunch of other different papers from around the world. The day she arrived in London, she was about to check into the Carlton hotel when she felt someone's knocking on her shoulder, she turned around and there he stood.

Making some changes to my published chapters. Update 2022. 

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