Luke Triton's birthday and reunion

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March 21

Professor Layton and Luke alongside with Flora and his parents, Clark and Brenda returned to their old house in Misthallery. The Triton family gathered bags for unpacking. Luke goes to his old room and sat down on his bed, feeling a bit lonely and he thinks about his old friend Arianna. He remembered in his childhood three years ago. "Looking up at the stars reminds me not to take things so seriously. Sometimes, the world can seem so big and scary." "I know. But, we're all so small when you think about it." Luke sighed a bit. Then, he saw a letter at his desk. He gasped. "This is the letter from, Arianna!" He smiled as he reads the letter from his old friend.

"Dear Luke,

I hope you aren't missing me too much. Me and Tony are doing fine as always. Crow and the Black Ravens say hi to you. It's almost your birthday and I'll visit your old home when you come back to Misthallery. All of us miss you. Especially me. I send my heart's warmest wishes to you, Luke. Happy birthday, Luke.

Sincerely your friend, 

Arianna Barde."

Luke smiled and his heart is filled with warmth and joy. But, there is more.

"P.S. I have a birthday present for you. On the day where we first met and i have to tell you something."

And the letter ends there.

Luke went out of his room, meeting his mentor Herschel Layton, Flora and his parents. He saw a girl with a light green dress with a light blue belt and ginger hair with a ponytail and a little hair-bang cut. "Arianna?" Luke asked. Arianna nodded yes and she saw a boy with a green shorts with a blue sweater his notebook satchel and a blue cap. "Is that you, Luke Triton?" Luke nodded yes. Arianna smiled wide. "Luke!" "Arianna!" Luke shouted with happiness and they greeted each other a warm hug. "Nice to see again, Luke." Arianna said. Luke replies, "Nice to see you, too. i got your letter." "I know you did." She said. "Come on let's meet the others." Luke and Arianna walked to the living room and Luke saw Tony with a red vest sweater and a beige pants and also ginger hair. "Tony!" Luke shouted. "Oh, it's nice to see each other again. Luke!" Tony shouted happily and they greeted with a handshake. "Arianna, it's been a while." Layton said. "How are you doing?" "I'm doing so fine, Mr. Layton." Arianna replied. "Nice to see you, Arianna and Tony." Clark and Brenda greeted and the Barde children greeted Luke's parents with a smile. Luke introduced the Barde children to Flora. "Oh, Arianna and Tony , I want you to introduce to my friend, Flora Reinhold." She introduced to herself and Tony. "Nice to meet you. i'm Arianna Barde. And this is my brother, Tony." "I'm Flora Reinhold, it's a pleasure to meet you too." Luke got the old picture of himself, Layton, Arianna and Tony alongside with their animal friend, Loosha. "I want to see the picture of our friend, Loosha." Arianna gasped and smiled. "Tony, look. That's the picture of us with our friend Loosha!"   

 That's the picture of us with our friend Loosha!"   

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Everyone is getting along nicely. Until, Arianna called Luke. "Luke, I haven't given you a present yet." And then, she grabbed Luke's hand and they head off to her old manor. They arrived at her old house. Arianna went upstairs first and Luke headed upstairs and he saw a blindfolds and he put around his eyes. He's about to open the balcony door. He heard a voice. "Come on! Arianna's waiting for you!" And he opened the door. Arianna guided him to the balcony and she unfolded the blindfolds and Luke gasped in surprise and smiled widely. "Wow! This is the place where we first met!" Arianna smiled and said. "Do you remember where we first me?" Luke happily nod yes. "Looking up at the stars reminds me not to take things so seriously. Sometimes, the world can seem so big and scary." Arianna said in her childhood and Luke also said. "I know. But were all so small when you think about it." "This is my birthday present for you, Luke. Happy birthday, Luke." Arianna greeted. Luke thanked her happily "Thank you, Arianna. This is the most beautiful gift." "You're welcome, Luke." Arianna replied. Then snowflakes fall down and the shooting stars appear. Luke and Arianna gasped happily. "It's snowing and the shooting stars are beautiful! It's a blessing gift!" Luke shouted happily. "Spring will come soon in Misthallery." Arianna said. The two friends looked at the stars and the snowflakes. "Arianna." "Luke." The two friends hold hands and cuddled each other. Luke noticed Arianna and she began to weep. "Luke, I'm sorry about a few years ago. After my father died, I doubted you and i didn't apologize to you and your family. I'm so sorry, Luke." Luke acted like a gentleman. "It's okay, Arianna. I know we're not perfect. We can't change the past. But, we can change the future. I promise we'll stay friends forever. A gentleman keeps his promise. But for now, let's go back to where we started." The two let go of the cuddling and introduced themselves again. "So anyway, I'm Herschel Layton's apprentice, Luke Triton. And I'm finally back." Arianna wiped her tears and introduced herself. "I'm Evan Barde's daughter, Arianna Barde. Welcome home, Luke." The two shared their first kiss together on the starry sky and their relationship grows stronger. Luke half opened his eyes and saw the past Arianna and Luke smiled and they walked together at the sky hand in hand. 


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