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Beep beep beep! Beep beep beep! Beep beep beep!

Uuuggghh! Why?!

Beep beep beep! Beep beep beep! Beep beep beep!

"Okay! You can shut up now!"

I reached my arm out and slammed my hand on top of my alarm clock.

Beep beep beep!

Come on! I smacked the alarm clock once again.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

It finally stopped! Thank you!

Today was my first day of school. For the past seventeen years of my life, my family and I have been moving all around the world so they can study wild life. I've seen kangaroos the size of cars. I've seen baby polar bears snuggling up to each other. I've seen three monkeys fight each other over a banana. Yeah. You ever see a monkey belly to belly slam another monkey? It's quite a sight I can tell you that. I've been in more countries than I can count! Australia, Portugal, Brazil, Japan, Ireland, Antarctica, Canada, Spain, Russia, Germany, the list goes on and on. And here I am back in my home country, The United States of America!

While I was growing up, I spent about four years in elementary school until my parents decided I was ready to travel. I never experienced the fourth grade. The last decade has been spent home schooled. It wasn't entirely bad though. I never felt pressured to get work done because it was all hands on. Wanna study organs? Here's a dead raccoon!


So why am I back in an actual school now? Well my parents decided that they needed a break. They've been so invested in their studies that they never really got a chance to breathe. With me capable of a grade twelve education, they thought I could finish up schooling in Columbus, Ohio. One thing I did not miss though was waking up this early. Like seriously?! Six o' clock?!

I lied there for another ten minutes just letting this process in my mind. An actual school. With people and such. Not gorillas! I don't think I've made any friends my age since kindergarten! All of my worries came to a halt when my bedroom door opened in the darkness.

"Hey," my mom whispered.

I groaned.

"You up yet?"


The light turned on and my eyes stung. It's so bright! I flailed in my bed ripping my sheets over my head. I thought I was safe until the blankets were ripped off of me.

"I do not think so," my mom claimed.

"Go away!"

"Oh. My poor baby."

Okay. My mom is a bit of a tease. She'll always find a way to annoy me in such subtle ways. I swear, she's been programmed by the government to harass me!

"Get up. You've got school."

I groaned once again as I sat up with drowsy eyes.

"Aww. You'll be okay," she continued to tease.

The next sound I made wasn't even a word! It was just a bowl of sounds with my waving hand signalling her off. As she left my room, I sat in the silence. Thoughts crowded my mind. It's been so long since I've been in a school. Has things changed? Is there no more breaks? Do I pack a lunch? What do I wear? I was so lost to the point that I gave up. I threw on some loose clothes for now and would think about it later. From there, I stumbled into the bathroom to pee. I will admit, a toilet definitely beats a bush. Afterwards, I headed downstairs where my father was cooking breakfast.

"Morning sweetheart."

"Morning," I replied.

As usual, he was dressed up in a pair of slacks with a polo shirt tucked in. I took a seat at the kitchen table trying to get out of my morning mood. For a while, my mind was a blank. Then the sound of a plate coming down in front of me snapped the cobwebs out of me. Mmm! Bacon! There was some eggs beside them too.


I nodded and grabbed my fork before cutting a piece off of my egg. As I was devouring my food, a certain sound grabbed my attention. The sound of steaming hot coffee pouring into a mug. I was never allowed to drink coffee. My mom didn't want to risk stunning my growth or even dare getting my energy high. She always claimed it was an "adults drink".


She states that it is their boost in the morning. Judging by myself, I could use said boost. But no. Nothing could convince them. Not until I am an adult. Why?! I'm practically eighteen already! My birthday is only a few weeks away! I eyed my dad's mug as he sat with me at the table with a newspaper in hand.

"Everything good?" he asked.

I nodded shoving a strip of bacon into my mouth.


I shrugged. To be honest, I was more frantic than worried. Dad opened up his newspaper and left me alone to finish eating. When I was done, I rinsed my plate in the sink and put it into the dishwasher.

"Thanks Dad."

"Yep. We're leaving at eight."

I looked at the clock, six-thirty. I returned to my room and plopped down onto my bed. Okay first things first, shower. I pulled off my clothes, grabbed my towel, and was off to the bathroom again. Once I was cleaned up and refreshed, I couldn't figure out what to wear. What do people wear these days? Are sweat pants okay? I don't know! Okay. Think. What would you wear in a public space? Something nice right? Like a dress! No. One) I'm not meeting the Queen of England. Two) I don't have a dress. I had to have spent the majority of my time trying to figure it out. It came down to this. A pair of skinny jeans and a flannel shirt. It looked good enough. I couldn't see what was wrong with it.

"You ready to go?!" I heard from the distance.

I glared at the clock. Oh shoot! It was eight o' clock! I wasn't done! Gosh darn it! I had to do something with my hair! With no time to waste, I grabbed an elastic and put it around my wrist for now before grabbing my backpack. Rushing down the stairs, I thought about if I had everything. Pencils, pens, notebooks, binders, I should be fine. I was about to start the adventure of a lifetime.

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