Episode 2 - Nominations

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Previously on Big Brother Teens, six teenagers were introduced and in for the best summer of their lifetimes. They soon found that each of them had an enemy in the house, bringing the total of players from 6 to 12. Aria became the first HoH, and decided that she wouldn't let these enemies get in her way. Alliances and friendships formed between Valerie, Talon, and Aria and Alaina and Liam. Who will Aria nominate, and who will become the first Have Nots of the summer? Also, will the first alliance of the summer be formed with unlikely partners? Find out now on Big Brother Teens!

The HouseGuests were very shocked to see the enemies. First to see his was Talon, whose enemy was Tristen, a rival from school. They used to be close friends, but after a huge falling out, they were turned to worst enemies.

Talon: Tristen and I used to be tight, we were cool with a lot of people at school, but one day we started fighting and it turned to just not liking each other at all. I thought of apologizing and stuff but I don't know. Maybe the Big Brother house will bring us closer. *laughs* Yeah, right.

Next up was Valerie, who was greeted by her nemesis, Emma. Emma had her signature smirk that could pierce through anyone. "What's up, Val? Excited to be my partner for the summer?" she asked to trigger annoyance in Valerie. Valerie rolled her eyes and walked out of the room, followed by Talon and Aria, whose enemy Heather didn't even talk to her.

Aria: Me and Heather never got along. It's like, we just fight and fight. This is gonna be an interesting summer, America...

The others had similar reactions, except for Harold, who took this as an opportunity to reconcile with his enemy, Michael. They went off to the bedroom and chatted a bit, Harold starting with, "Mike, I know we have our differences, but if we are going anywhere in this game, we need each other. Can we put the argument aside? At least while we're here?" Michael pondered the possibility of a friendship, or even just a mutual agreement to work together. "I'll get back to you," Michael said, "but most likely, we don't have many other places to go, you know?"

Harold: Hook, line, sinker! 

That night, another bedroom was opened for the enemies. The room was decorated with a tropical island theme. There were beds with palm frond canopies and nice, fluffy beds and pillows. 5 of the enemies placed their bags on beds, but Heather, as Aria's partner, went up to her suite in the HoH room. On her way, she met up with Aria, who was reading on her HoH bed. "Look, we don't like each other but it may be best to work together. You never know what can happen when two old pals go back in business," Heather said. Aria rolled her eyes and retorted, "We aren't working together. I don't like you and never will. And we never were 'pals,' so let's skip the falsity." Heather scoffed, rolled her eyes, and went to her room next door to unpack her stuff, then going back downstairs.

In the originals' room, Talon and Valerie were talking to Liam, Harold, and Marina. "We need to get with Aria and plan on working together guys. If we knock out the enemies, we are at final six and it's back to just us. Let's go upstairs and talk to Aria about it though," Valerie said. Talon added, "We shouldn't go all at once. We don't want the enemies to get any ideas about doing the same thing."

First to head upstairs was Talon, followed by Valerie and Marina a couple minutes later. Soon after, Liam and Harold followed behind and locked the door to the HoH room behind them. "So Aria, we wanna ask if you wanna do a final six right here. If we do this then the enemies are out and we are all going to be better off," Harold said. Aria nodded her head and answered, "I was literally going to ask you guys if you wanted to do this later on. It's just a matter of who's willing to go up with their partner to get them out. The only sucky part is we won't have the numbers unless one of the enemies flips." The 6 of them thought about possible flippers depending on who was up. Harold then piped in saying, "I am pretty sure Michael will flip. We talked about voting together through the game. Don't worry though, he's literally just a number to me."

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