Chapter 7

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Angered by this warlock the Night Mother decided to show her power, not this false power. She wanted to create a creature so horrific that everyone would know she created it. And this is when she created what she named the Justicier. 

The night mother killed several people to create this monstrosity. She gathered all their bodies together and called upon the darkest forces she could. And when those forces arrived she crushed them with her power and truly bent them to her will. The darkest forces from hell bowed to her. She spellwove for days on end, and as she did so the bodies of the people slowly formed into one large hollow shell for the forces of hell. These were ten foot tall humanoid beings, with faces that were long with bones protruding from ever straight line. Bones shot out of the back of it's chinline, small bones spikes came out of the cheeks, and the brow was one long sharp slightly curved bone above each eye. The neck was slightly long, but nothing to unusual. The chest was caved and split in two past the rib cage down to the legs. The shoulders were broad, covered in bone like pauldrons. The arms long, dragging the ground. Bone penetrated out of the outer elbow into a sharp point. Eight bones came from the end of the arm each with joints, similar to fingers. All were like scythes. The back of the Justicier had every vertebrae breaking through the skin with two inches of bone. The legs were backwards of normal human legs. The legs rolled back behind the body slight with the knee bending the opposite direction of yours. The feet were spider like legs, all bones that dug into the ground. Once the spell was through all the skin had formed upon the creature and the black magic left a dark charcoal gray color to it. Once the Justicier was complete she tore the soul of one of the five remaining original followers. This particular follower had been possessed by a demon before, and it never left. Lucius was his name, and when he was put into the Justicier so was the demon. The two souls melded into one, the original Justicier had undying loyalty to the Night Mother from Lucius and from the demon having been broken like a horse. But it had all the tenacity, cunning and ruthlessness of the Demon of Hell.

She comanded the spirit to seek out the warlock defiling her name. And do as it saw fit for judgement. But make sure to let the people know that he was a false leader and only taught blasphemy.

The Justicier left, and it found the warlock. The Justicier didn't breath, it didn't have a heart. It was simply a shell with no vitals. Even the most attuned werewolf couldn't hear it if it stood still, for there were no organs to contract and make even the slightest noise. The Justicier cannot be heard of it doesn't want to be. It's dark skin made it ideal for hunting in the dark. It's feet made it easy for it to climb, and move silently. The extra movement ability from the long legs made it nimble  and agile. The warlock couldn't see or hear the Justicier coming. But, it watched, it waited, it plotted. When it made it's plan the Justicier followed the warlock some more. It followed behind closely as the warlock headed to his hut. It stretched down and extended it's fingers in a near perfect circle. The fingers were pertruding through the warlocks chest. It closed it's fingers and ripped the warlocks heart out of it's chest. The Justicier scratched "blasphemer" before his body and left for the Night Mother. The heart in hand, the Justicier met the Night Mother and handed her his heart. She absorbed the heart of the Warlock and obtained his strength and power.

In a week's time she had created another Justicier. This one was more humanoid in the legs, but the arms were more like long blades meant for cleanly cutting people in half. This one was just as silent. 

These two Justiciers were told to seek out the last remaining tribe members of the warlock's tribe.

These Justiciers have only been seen by one or two people through history and lived to tell about it. And these are the only two that have been spotted. Though there are at least five.

The Night Mother still issues orders today, and will loose them upon anyone who upsets her. So heed this warning. Try not to anger her.

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