Chapter 2

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After she awoke she felt sick, she lie there in agony as the slight and unseeable transformation took place. Within her body her organs, bones and every cell mutated. This mutation being on such an atomic level is inconceivable and unimaginable. On and atomic level she became completely stable, unable to die.

Once the pain had subsided she went about her normal business thinking nothing of the curse and what it could have done. Hexes, curses, spells, alchemy and all the likes were successful. No one stood in her way, nor did anyone stand a chance face-to-face. But, she made a mistake one day. The Night Mother had grown weary without months of sleep. A warrior for the yakotu tribe came to fight her. The older warrior was slow but precise. What he lacked in speed physically he made up for in mental speed and absolute precision. After a few minutes of a back and forth dance the warrior stabbed her with his spear, directly through the heart. Her heart beat on, and magic poured out of her chest wound, enveloped the warrior and seemingly suffocated him. She tore the spear from her chest with blood spewing out she watched as it slowly closed up. 

The Night Mother was confused, she knew not what to think of this. So, she performed a ritual that would detect foreign magic. She couldn't find any traces of foreign magic. Memories flashed through her mind trying to remember anything that could've caused this. The magic imbued within her at birth was apparent to her thanks to stories. But, she didn't heal that fast from cuts or any other injury before. She remembers the curse that went wrong and wonders. 

The Night Mother began to worry, she got inside of her own head and began to make herself go crazy. Was she doomed to live forever, did she have no say in whether she lived or died? She soon became depressed and suicidal,, for the thought of not having a choice drove her absolutely mad. It wasn't long after this she tried killing herself. She hung herself, her neck healed as quickly as it broke. She poisoned herself with the strongest concoctions she could make and nothing would happen. She felt an emptiness in side her eating away at her and, she ached for a chance to end it all.

The woman she was had disappeared as the madness set in, her mind twisted. The curses and hexes she had once used in spite of people were now for mere joy. To watch the agony of others go through the death she sought. The pain she caused brought joy to her heart.

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