Chapter 1

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Back in the ancient bayous of Louisiana you may find an old feeble woman. At first she may seem normal. But, she has perfected that skill. This woman is known as the Were-mother or Night Mother. Tale tells of how she would sacrifice people or butcher them and  use their parts for dark rituals. She would morph people into evil beings. As tales say she would absorb the very essence of another person.

I'm here to tell her story as I know more than any. Way back in early 100s A.D. in now modern Louisiana there was a Native American tribe. The tribe name has since long been lost, but they practiced having a shaman and what is modern voodoo. See the witch doctor's wife was having difficulties during pregnancy so he performed rituals and cast spells upon his wife. Everything went smoothly during birth and a daughter was born. She was imbued with all the spells cast upon her mother and magic coursed through her veins. The child was destined for greatness be it good or evil.

Growing up she practiced shape shifting prominently, but she would also practice other magics. She sought to hone her skills. After only a couple years of training she had surpassed her father and all the elders. Her magic could be felt by any normal human. She  cast a spell and the earth would tremble at her feet. The trees would bow in her wake. The seas could recceed if she so beckoned. At the age of 20, a rival tribe came in the night and slaughtered her people one by one and brutally killed her parents in front of her. The power that she had inside her burst from the seams, she levitated and had magical essence pouring out of every orifice. The magical power encompassed her camp, surrounding every person who had invaded. The magic absorbed some life force out of them, they all fainted. She fell to the ground. Later, it came to be known that she took away their ability to reproduce andnmade every male infertile. Every woman who came in sexual contact with one of these men also became infertile. From this day forth she practiced hexes, curses, dark rituals, and black magic.

Several years went by, cursing many people among many tribes. She would shapeshift into an eagle and travel far and wide in search of people she felt deserved to be cursed.

One day she found a young male shaman of the kotawa tribe, he had been sacrificing his own tribesmen for false gods. See he knew they were false gods, but the sacrifice allowed him to absorb their essence and make him younger, stronger, and more powerful. The Night Mother didn't agree with this, so she began working on a curse that should have killed him in due time no matter how many sacrifices he made. But, something went wrong. She got the ground and was unconscious.

The Night Mother had cursed herself somehow, she didn't know what it did till much later.

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