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Timber's Point of View

"Have you heard the new guy speak? His voice is so deep, it's to die for," girl number one squeals.

"No, but I have seen him around. He is hotter than the school quarterback and he's the hottest guy in school," girl number two squeaks in an even higher pitch than the first.

It was hurting my ears to listen to them talk but the topic was interesting. There's a new guy in school?

"Oh my god! He's coming this way!" girl number one practically screams.

I slowly lift my head from my book to see a familiar black hair boy walking this way. A smile starts to make its way onto my face.

"Lance! What are you doing here?" I squeal, running up to him.

He gives out a puff of air as I jump on him, yet his arms wrap around me in response. "I moved schools, thought you needed some company."

My eyes fill with tears. "That's not all, what else made you move schools?"

"Well, I was at an all boys school. I needed some chicks in my school life." His eyes light up as he smiles.

I start chuckling, my shoulders shaking up and down, making me look like I'm crying. Only Lance knew I was laughing, though. And he decided to join me, his chest vibrating with laughter.

"What's your name?" girl number one asks, batting her eyelashes really fast.

"Um, Lance. Do you have something in your eye?" he asks the girl.

I couldn't help it, my snort came out loudly as I tried to hold in my laughter.

The girl opens her eyes wide, shocked that he didn't find her attractive. She slowly steps back, a fearful look in her eyes as she saw at something behind Lance. I look around his side to see Brianna stalking towards us. I entangle myself from Lance's arm and slowly take a couple steps back. Lance sends me a questioning look, but that disappeared when she spoke.

"Lance! I'm so glad you're back," Brianna exclaims in her fake high pitched voice.

His eyes widen in shock, and I could see his arms twitch. He was about to bring them up to cover his ears. If I wasn't so terrified, I would've burst out laughing again.

Lance slowly turns around to face Brianna. "Brianna, I haven't seen you since eighth grade."

He didn't give a hint that he hated or missed her at all. It was very amusing. That is, until she put her hand on his arm. Anger erupted inside my stomach, my eyes glaring at her with as much power that they could.

"I missed you, Lance. You should've been here the last three years. Timber hates me now. She always picks on me!" Brianna squeals out, fake tears streaming down her face.

I could see Lance wince before he glances back to me. His arm moves, motioning me forward. I'm scared to even blink but I slowly make my way over to him.

"Actually, I think it's the other way around," Lance replies cooly, his hand finding mine and gripping it tightly.

"She's just lying to you! She's in love with you and just wants to look like the good girl."

I instinctively flinch and cower into Lance's arms. There was a crowd gathering and I'm not one for attention.

"No, I still think it's the other way around. Now, if you'll excuse us, Timber and I have a class to get to," Lance replies, gripping my hand tighter as he guides me through the halls. "What's your first class, Tibby?"


"Yes. It'd be weird if I called you Timmy, wouldn't it?"

"True. And I have Maths first."

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