Chapter 4

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 Chapter 4:

“Wait, so you are telling me your name is Spider-boy?” I asked, disbelief in my voice.  There is no way; after I was bit, they destroyed Spider venom.  “Yep, just like you. Look I even have web shooters” He turned his wrists and sure enough he did. I groaned.  “How long have you been in New York?”  I asked, crossing my arms.  “About two years, but I got my powers recently.”  He said, crossing his arms as well.  “Are you a hero?”  I asked, my spider-sense is not going off. However, I want to be sure.  “Of course I am..Why wouldn’t I be?”  He asked.   I was about to answer then my phone went off.  I grabbed it and answered it.  “Hello?” I asked.  “Hey, it’s Gwen” My heart started pounding in my chest.  “Hey, what’s up?” I glanced at Spider-Boy, who is playing something on his phone.

“Are you busy?” She asked, I studied Spider-boy, his suit was just like mine, but his is black with red webs that stop at his waist, and shoulders, He had white eyes ad his fingers were red.  “Peter!” I heard a voice say, I blinked, realizing I’m still on the phone with Gwen.  “What?” I asked, looking away from Spider-boy.  “What is the matter? I have been calling your name” She said, I could hear the annoyance in her voice.  “Sorry, I was the distracted.”  I said quietly.  “Oh, sorry” She said.  “Its fine Gwen, And no I’m not busy.”  I said, glancing at Spider-boy.  “Can we talk?” She asked.  “Yeah, where?” I asked.  “Um, there a café I want to try, its down by the harbor” I nodded, but she didn’t see.  “I’ll be there.” I said.  “Okay great! Don’t be late” She hung up.  “I love you too,” I said, pocketing my phone.  “Hey, I got to go. I’ll see you around?” I asked.  Spider-Boy nodded. “See ya” He swung off. I shook my head and headed home.  I slid in my window just as someone knocked on my door. I cursed under my breath, I pulled my mask and and gloves off. I webbed my robe to me and wrapped it around me, covering my suit. I opened the door haftway. “Yes, Aunt May?” I asked. “What are you doing?” She asked.  “I’m going to see Gwen so I’m going to take a shower, why I can’t take a shower without being questioned?” I asked.  She chuckled. “No, not the Peter Parker I know” Before I could say a comeback she walked downstairs. I let out a breath of relief.  I took off my suit and hung it up then I took a shower.

A few minutes later I swung to a dark alley next to the café, and changed into my normal clothes then walked inside.  Gwen was not here yet, so I asked for a table for two.  He led me to the table. I sat down.  He left.  I looked around the café.  It looked like a decent café.  This one was a western style, with dusty barrels and old pianos.  The waiters and waitresses wear the old western look. I froze, blinking, seeing Captain Stacy sitting there, just staring at me with sad eyes.  I stopped breathing.  Watching, his shirt was bloody from where The Lizard stabbed him.  He just looked at me, then disappeared when Gwen stood in front of me.  “Peter?” I looked up at her.  “Y-yeah?” I asked.  “You okay?” She asked as she sat down across me.  “Yeah, I just thought I saw something, but it’s nothing.  What did you want to talk about?” I asked.  “Well” She looked down. “I want to talk about us”

I tilted my head. “What about us?” I asked.  She looked up “Where do we stand at? Are we friends or what?” She asked. I bit my lip. “Gwen…” I said softly, she looked, “I know. We can’t be together” I leaned over and she turned and looked at me. “Gwen” I leaned in to kiss her, our lips were barely touching when I saw him again.  I pulled away again, looking away. “I’m sorry..I can’t” I got up and walked out of the café as tears streamed down my face.  As I was swinging home, I heard a scream and my spider-sense went off.  I went toward the scream.  I landed in the dark alley and the scent of death filled my nose.  I coughed and covered my mouth.  I walked toward the smell and my eyes widen.  A dead body; real dead body, right in front of me.  I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. I pulled out my phone, shaking really bad as I dialed 911. “I need to report a dead body” I said, fear filled my voice. “What is your location?” The person asked. I went to answer but I looked up and saw writing on the wall. I shined my phone on it and the writing said ‘Carnage’ “Sir” I put the phone back to my ear as I stare at the name. “Sorry, the location is a dark alley about two miles from the Harbor” I said, terrified. I hung up and swung home, knowing if I stayed when the cops showed up they would think I did it. I slid into my window. I pulled my mask off and Louis walked in. “Hey Peter, I need to tell you so-“ His word trailed off when he saw me. His eyes widen “You’re Spider-Man!!” 

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