Chapter 1

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 Chapter 1:

I swung through the city of New York, I bet you are wondering how am I doing it?  Well, I’m Spider-Man.  Don’t believe me? Well, most people wouldn’t because of my age.  I am currently 18 years old. I know, shocking right.  Anyways, you already know how it happened, how I got the powers.  Two simple words, radioactive spider.  I was sneaking around Oscorps one day and I found this room, full of radioactive spiders.  I was curious so I went in, well, something happen and the spiders fell off the web.  One landed on me and bit me.  Now I have the strength, speed, and senses of a spider.  Yep, crazy.  I looked around, my spider sense went off.  I looked down and a bas was sideways, on fire.  I jumped down and landed on top of it.  “Help my child please!” A woman cried.  “Don’t worry, I’ll save him” I jumped into the bus.  “Hello?!” I called.  “Help!” I heard a kid say.  I followed the source and found a kid crouched down, covering his face.  I picked him up.  “I got you kiddo” I webbed a lightpole and shot out of the bus.  I landed on the ground and handed the kid to the woman.  “Thank you Spider-man” She mumbled. I nodded; my spider sense went off again.  “Everybody, move!” I said everyone backed up;  The bus blew up, sending me flying forward, slamming into a car.  I groaned, standing up.  “Are you okay Spidey?” The little kid asked.  “Yeah, I have been through worse” I smiled under the mask.  The little kid hugged me.  I bit my lip, kneeling down and hugged him back.  This is why I love being Spider-man.  “You stay strong for your mother.  And always listen to her” I told the kid, he nodded so fast I thought his head was about to pop off.  He ran back to his mother.  I stood up again.  I shot a web and shot off, the people was cheering as I was swinging to the Empire State Building.  That is where I keep my bookbag.  A few minutes later, I landed on top of the Empire State Building.  I walked over to my bag.  My phone was ringing.  I yanked my mask off and answered it.  “Hello?” I asked.  “Peter, where are you?” My Aunt May asked.  “Oh, you know, hanging around the city” I lied.  I hate lying to her but I cannot tell her I am Spider-man, the only one that knows is Gwen Stacy.  Her father knew but he died helping me fight The Lizard.  “Oh, be careful on that skateboard, you know how much I hate that thing.”  She said.  I chuckled. “Yes ma’am” I said, expecting that was the end. “Can you pick up bread?” She asked. “Yes ma’am, Wheat?” I asked. “Yes, honey wheat” I nodded, even though she cannot see me.  “Honey wheat. Got it” I said, grabbing my bag. “Okay, I love you, don’t forget” She hung up. I smiled, putting my phone in the bag.  I slid my mask back on and looked at the city, if you listen closely you can hear the sound of people shouting and horns honking.  Man I love this city.  I backed up to get a running start and jumped off the Empire State Building.  I waited for the perfect time to shoot my web, swinging past the cars and people cheering.  I let go of my web and did a flip before shooting another web.  Something hit me, knocking off my web and slammed me onto the ground.  I groaned, before I could get up or react it kicked me into a car, crushing it.  I groaned again, getting up.  I caught a glimpse of it as it ran into the alley.  It was big and black.  I could have sworn I saw a white spider on the back but I could have been imagining it.  I shook the dizziness out of my vision.  I looked up and walked into the store.  I grabbed the wheat bread and walked over to the counter.  “Oh my God! Y-you’re Spider-Man” The cashier said.  “Yeah. And you are Cletus Kasady” I said, reading his nametag.  I pulled out my wallet and the money.  “Don’t worry about it man” He gave me the bread.  “Are you sure?” I asked, slowly putting my money back in my wallet.  “Yeah.” He nodded, “Thanks.”  I started for the door.  “Wait!” I stopped.  I knew it, I turned to him.  “C-can I have your autograph Sir?”  He held out a book and a spider-man pen.  I chuckled.  “Yeah” I grabbed the book and pen.  He helped the other customers.  I signed his book front and back.  “Do you go to school Cletus?” I asked.  “Y-yes sir” He answered.  “What school?” I asked.  “Um, Midtown Science High School” My eyes widen under the mask.  “Are you new?” I asked, clearly I haven’t seen him around before.  “Yeah, I just started.” He said.  I gave the book.  “I got to go. See you around..Stay amazing” I said, he nodded.  I walked out of the school, there was something about that red head that made me uneasy.  I shrugged it off and headed home.

 I got changed into normal clothes and walked inside.  “Aunt May! I’m home” She walked out, her eyes widen.  “Oh my gosh, what happen?” She walked over to me and touched the gash on my eyebrow.  I winched.  “I fell off my skateboard…Going down a steep hill” I said.  “We don’t have steep hills near us” I looked at her.  “What?” I asked. She shook her head.  “Get cleaned up” I nodded, walking upstairs.

A/n I want to thank Rye for this idea. Um I will be updating The Push soon, I have not gave up on it yet.

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