Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

I packed a bag of dirty clothes, putting my spider-man suit in there as well.  I picked it up and walked down the stairs.  “Aunt May, I’m going to the laundry mat” I said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.  “Be careful and walk. Don’t you use that skateboard” I rolled my eyes. “Peter Benjamin Parker, do not roll your eyes at me.”  She warned. I held my hands up.  “Sorry” I smiled, walking out the door. 

I walked down the street, keeping my head down.  I had my hood up and earphones in.  What was that thing that attacked me?  The thought rambled through my head;  I was not looking where I was going.  I ran into somebody, falling backward.  I groaned.  “Hey man, you alright?”  A blonde man looked down at me, holding his hand out.  I grabbed his forearm and he pulled me back on my feet.  “ Yeah.  Sorry.  I was not looking where I was going,” I mumbled.  He shrugged it off.  “Its okay man, I’m Edward Brock Jr.  But you can call me Eddie” He held his hand out again.  I took it and shook it.  “Peter Parker” I said.  “Nice to meet you” He smiled, showing slight dimples.  “Where are you heading Peter?” He asked, letting go of my hand.  “Um, the laundry mat”  I smiled slightly.  “Oh. Well I guess I will see you around” He said.  I nodded, walking past him.  I shook the unease feeling I got from him.  I walked in the Laundry Mat.  I stuffed my stuff in the washer, glancing around before shoving my Spider-man suit in there.  I closed it and put four quarters in it.  I pushed start and sat down.  I sighed, grabbing my science book and notebook out of my bag.  I sat it on the table and started studying.  Hey, do not judge me.  This is what nerds with no friends do.  I felt someone tap on my shoulder.  I glanced up then looked up finally. “Hey Gwen” I smiled faintly.  She smiled, sitting across from me.  “Hey, Pete. Are you doing school in a laundry mat?” She asked, smirking. I nodded, blushing slightly.  “Yeah, Aunt May has made herself Laundry Sheriff and banned me from doing laundry at home” She tilted her head.  “Why? Is it because of..” She trailed off, looking at the people around us.  “Yeah, it was turning everything blue and red” She giggled, which caused me to blush more.  “Oh the mighty Peter Parker is blushing” She teased, tapping my cheek.  I rolled my eyes.  “How have you been?” I asked, changing the subject.  “I have been good, We have new students in our club” I raised an eyebrow.  “Who is it?” I asked. “Um, Cletus Kasady and Eddie Brock Jr” I nodded.  “Cletus is a big Spidey fan” I smirked.  “Why do you say that?” She asked, resting her chin on her hands, her bright green eyes sparkling in the dim light.  “Um, well. I walked into the store he was working in as you know who and he was fan-girling” I said, looking away so I can’t get lost in her eyes.  She nodded, looking at the time.  “I got to go. See you at school” I turned to look at her, before I could react she leaned over and pressed her lips against mine.  I was taken back.  But kissed back, my heart pounding in my chest.  I pulled away when my clothes beeped, letting me know it was done.  I looked back at her.  “I-I g-got..” She pressed her fingers to my lips, cutting me off.  “I’ll see you later Bug-boy” She kissed the tip of my nose and walked out.  I looked down, my cheeks burning.  How does she do that to me? I pushed the thought out of my head and finished my clothes.

 A few hours later I made it back home.  Aunt May was sleeping on the couch.  I pulled a cover over her and kissed her cheek.  “Goodnight Aunt May” I said softly, walking upstairs.  I slipped into some sweats and a tanktop and slipped under the covers.  The thought of Gwen went through my head as I fell asleep.

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