To My Friends

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I really did consider you my friends even though most of you didn't bother with me and since most of you were fakes. You left me out in most of the things you did. But I don't really care. I didn't trust any of you especially after I told the two of you I trusted the most about my depression and you flipped me off. You said I should get over myself and just be happy then you started spreading rumors about me. Fakes. You are also reasons for the scars on my wrists. Because you never were real friends.  You were the closest things I had to a best friend, even if it was all a farce. Every time you 'forgot' to invite me to something you'd make up an excuse and I'd always forgive you even though I knew you were lying. You didn't want me in your friendship group. I was dragging down your reputation. Let's face it,  I was a burden to your lives.  You must be glad I'm finally dead, isn't it?  Well thank you anyway for making me laugh most of the time.  You helped me pretend I wasn't depressed so thanks for that. But sometimes your jokes made me want to kill myself :) .

I'll always remember the friendship we had and I'll never forget you guys.

Love your friend, Elena Cross.

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