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    Hey guys! I am here with my first chapie of this book. I am really sorry I couldn't publish because of some work that came up everytime I decided to write it. It may have typos, please bare with them. Without further ado here you go.


the fact or state of living or having objective reality.


    Have you ever wondered what would it be like, if you did not exist?

    We are so busy in our lives that we don't get the time to think about such stuff. But, trust me as I am a daydreamer and I think about these things a lot.

    Don't ever think that your existence doesn't mean anything to anyone. You are supposed to be your own love, your own charmer. You have taken birth on earth with a purpose. You are on this planet because you have to achieve something in life, that something is what you have to find out. Don't get sad just because someone ignores you, there might be a reason behind it. You never know what is going on someone's life, except yours, and that is a fact. If you give some space to that person to think what they are really doing, they will surely come up and apologize  for their behavior towards you. But there is an exception here...tada... if they are ignoring you because they heard something bad about you then darling, don't let them take second chances because if they had really trusted you then they would have just unheard that thing and let it go.

    Life sometimes is really unfair. But you have to really overpass them. If you want to swim right in the depths of the huge ocean, you will have deadly sharks coming in your way, you have to be without fear and face them as the hurdles come in life. Believe in yourself and then you see those beautiful results entering your life.

    It is a saying of shakespeare from Julius Caesar that, "It is not in the stars to hold thou destiny but in ourselves."

    And it is very true. It means that your fate is in your beliefs and behavior, and how you respond to life events. Your destiny is like a clay ball in your hand, you have to shape it the way you like and mould it in your own unique future. 

    If you are in  bad phase don't you fear because this too, shall pass the way your other dark phases passed.

    If you weren't existing, would you have ever seen this amazing life, where the leaves of trees susurrate, where the birds chirp waking you up, where your hair blows by the soft wind which is tickling you on your skin, where you take a hot shower in the bathroom when you are stressed out, where you dance on your bed with your favourite song playing, where you drool over your celebrity crush while legally stalking them, where you taste that scrumptious food that  just feels like heaven on earth when in your mouth? No, you couldn't feel this joy if you did not exist.

    Thank your lovely, supportive parents for this biggest gift that they have ever given to you. Your existence means a lot to them, you are their second soul. Even your best friends are happy about your existence.

    Be happy and make your life colourful with everything that comes in your way.


    Peeps, please let me know, how you felt about this chapter in the comment section below and do remember to vote.

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