~Chapter 8~ Pushed

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Jack was assigned to a specialized class to help him improve on his flying skills, it was probably terrifying for him on top of that structure, although he was completely safe. Even if he was being stubborn and didn't fly, Aura made it so he couldn't die when you fell, she had a layer of magic that would catch you a split second before hitting the ground.

I was there so that I can make sure that nothing that shouldn't happen, happened again. Although I told Aura I was here to help with the class... Bob, Wade, and Tyler just decided to tag on and "help." Tyler was the only one that could really help, since he was the only one that could fly out of all of us. He was a great coach, sometimes he can be a bit harsh, but most of the time he's pretty lenient.

"Next!" The teacher called out, as I saw Jack get taken to the top of the structure.

In a matter of minutes I saw Jack falling down at a high speed, and I could see the Aura's light magic getting ready to catch him, but a moment before the magic was about to touch him, he flew up enough to give himself a soft landing before landing on the ground and backing up into me.

"Oh my god Jack you did it!" I said cheerfully,

"I-I guess," He responded, before glancing at the light magic, which is quite odd since most people don't really worry about that unless you didn't have.....

"Yay! Good on you kid!" Tyler said, clapping slowly as he approached us, pulling me out of my thoughts before I could finish that train of thought about Jack.

"YOU FUCKING ASS HOLE! WHY THE FUCK DID YOU PUSH ME!" Jack screamed, making everyone turn to us in shock.

"I was trying to help you!" Tyler retorted but it didn't exactly help his case.

"So you pushed me?!" Jack growled, trying not to let others hear him as much.

"You did what?" I asked, sounding a bit angry.

"You know that isn't allowed." I said trying to keep my temper under control, and too sound calm and steady. I mean I knew Tyler did that to give people a little scare from time to time, but that was to people that were alright advanced in their skill. So him doing that to someone who was clearly scared half to death by heights was absolutely unacceptable.

Why was I getting so defensive over Jack?

"I'm pretty sure the Headmaster isn't going to kick one of her best students," Tyler said, rolling his eyes at Jack.

"No. But I can certainly ban them from competing in the tournaments coming up," Aura said as she approached us from behind. I could see Jack's posture shift from seeing her face; Aura always did have that effect on people, she was quite intimidating.

"What?!" Bob, Wade, Tyler, and I said in unison, Jack was the only one that remained silent. She can't do that, the tournament is a month away, and without Tyler we'd sure lose the team competitions of the tournament.

"You can't pull him! We need him for the team competitions," I said desperately.

"Please Aura, we can't lose him, he's an important part of team" I begged her using my telepathy.

"Well you won't have to worry about that, I'm going to put Jack on the team. You think I don't sense his other powers? Just because you don't tell me doesn't mean I won't know" She responded back simply.

"He needs to learn how to follow rules. You guys aren't above them no matter how powerful you are. Now to my office Tyler, I want a talk with you. I'm sure you can find a substitute for Tyler's absence. Your friend here appears fairly skilled with flight." Aura said aloud. Everyone turned to Jack, and I could see that cute face of his flush.

Get it together Mark, why would I even think that.

"W-what?" Jack stuttered out genuinely confused.

"I've been teaching for a while and watching as people learn a new skill is something I like greatly. But something about you makes me feel you'll learn pretty quickly. Mark, teach him for me would you." And with that last statement she and Tyler started for her office.

"So Jack, do you want too join our team? I'll train you." I said but I saw that Jack was just staring at the floor not hearing a single word, he seems too be that a lot.

"Jack? Helloooo?" I called out to him and I snapping him out of his trance.

"Hah? What?" he said, shaking his head to focus and looked up at me.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" I asked. he shook my head,

"I asked if you were willing to join our team if I trained you." I said after I sighed,

I could tell he was thinking about my offer. But what is there to think about? I know for a fact that he already knows his other powers, but wouldn't he want to use them?

"I'm not sure. I'm not very good...," Jack said trailing off, but I placed my hand on his shoulder, before looking right into his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

Mark, you need to control yourself. Even if this could happen you have no idea who he is, you can't trust him.

"I will teach you. I'm really good at it and I can tell you what you need to do in it. Maybe we can help you find your other powers," I said hesitating near the end of my sentence.

"O-okay. I'll help. It's the least I can do for getting Tyler banned," he mumbled.

"Don't worry about him. He knew he's not meant to push people so you did nothing," I assured him. He gave me a cute little dorky guilty smile in return.

"I may have provoked him a tiny bit but not much," Jack said honestly. I chuckled at what he said before grabbing his arm.

"Come on, let's go practice in private. People are staring," I said as teleported him to the old unused arena.

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