The veil wasn't a plain net too. It had a diamond crown on the top and a floral net.

  I couldn't move my eyes from the mirror. I couldn't be happier with how the dress fitted. How the dress showed my curves. Even the make-up artist couldn't.

  The next thing to be done was my hairstyle. She tied my hair up into a messy bun. I was done getting ready and stood in front of the mirror. And looked at myself. I couldn't believe how I looked.

   In the meantime Chloe and my mother entered the room and were in aww looking at me. My mother almost had tears in her eye when she came near me and pecked me on my forehead. Looking at her even I couldn't control myself.

  "No, Anna dont cry and ruined your makeup." Chloe told me while coming towards me with tears and the smile on her face. She hugged me tightly. My mother adjusted the veil on my head.
And Chloe handed me a boutique of red roses.

  "oh! Its 4:40 we need to leave now." Chloe said and suddenly my heart beat going faster every second. Now this was the time I would finally become his forever.

    At 4:50 we were in front of the crunch and the door of the car opened revealing Shawn who gave me a smile and put his hand forward towards me, I gladly kept my hand on his hand and got down of the car. He helped me with my dress.

     I was nervous, my hands were sweating, my life was changing today. I took a deep breath and started walking toward the door. But something stopped me from walking. I looked at my right and saw my father who was standing in the corner. He was smiling at me. He weakly walked towards me,
   "can i?" he asked while extending his hand in front. I nodded my head with tears in my eyes. I hugged him tightly.

    Me and my father, I mean step father dint have a good relationship, he never talked to me, he just ignored me as if I am not living with him.

  "I am sorry, will you forgive me?" he said

    I pulled back and told him
“I had already forgiven you the dad you dont need to say sorry. I am so glad that you are here with me on my special day.”

  " yes my darling we love you and we are sorry for whatever wrong we have done with you " came my mom's voice from behind. I looked at both of them with a huge smile on my face. "lets go" my father told me. With my father one side and my mother on the other side took a deep breath and entered the church. As soon as I looked forward, there stood the man whom I will see.

As we meet each other eyes Drake looked at me as I was the only person he could look at right now. He had a huge smile on his face. I couldn't stop looking at him. He looked handsome in his black tuxedo with his hair gelled back in place.
     As I came near to him, he held his hand forward for me to take. I happily placed my hand in his. "you look beautiful my love." he leaned to my side and told me. Turn to look at him and blushed just he was looking.

   The priest's voice interrupted us. " we are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments and to cherish the words which shall unite Mr. Drake Vincent and Miss. Anna peige in marriage.

    Marriage is a promise between two people who love each other, and who trust in that love, who honor each other as individuals, and who choose to spent the rest of their lives together.
     This ceremony will not create a relationship that does not already exist between you. It is a symbol of how far you have come. It is a symbol of promise you will make to each other to continue growing stronger than individuals and as partners. No matter what challenges you face, you now face them together, and no matter how much you succeed, you now succeed together. The love between you joins you now as one. "

" Now the bride and groom have a few words to share."

I was just looking in his eyes. He took hold of my hand and told

" I promise to trust you and to be honest with you. I promise to listen to you, respect you and support you. I promise to laugh and play with you, grow and bend with you. I promise you to cherish you every day we have together." he then kissed my hands, as he finished saying I was crying. Then I took a deep breath, looked into his eyes and told him.

   " I promise to do all of this though, wherever life brings us: rich or poor health or illness, through the good time and bad, until the end of my day." drake had tears in his eyes.

    Then the Priest told us to repeat him " I Anna peige take you to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward until death do us apart.," after me it was Drake's turn

" I Drake Vincent take you to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward until death do us apart.,"

  "you may swap the rings." priest said. After we exchange our rings, the priest said. "I now pronounce your husband and wife you may now kiss the bride."
  He caresses my cheeks and whipping off the new tears the now running down my face.

    The happiness inside me washes through all the walls I made of hatreds and sadness and find it the way to my heart.

   He lean in and I was just looking straight into his eyes, aware of his next action and then I felt his lips on my lips, softly and sweetly. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer and one on my back; I clutch his shirt with my hand. Soon I sync his movements and kiss him back. Soon we heard few whistling and noises, we pulled back.

  "So finally you have officially become my personal assistant." he said and wink at me.


  salam guys,
        How are you all this is the last update of His Personal Assistant. I can't believe its finally here. I've spent so much time writing this book, almost a year. I am happy to announce that i have

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