Chapter 7: Revenge is Sticky

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"I don't know what I am going to do for you for Valentine's Day." I shamefully admitted on the phone.

Phone conversations were rare with Cori, but becoming more frequent with the bad winter weather and distance.

"You've already done flowers." Coriander tried to reason, but I felt crushed.

Valentine's Day should be easy right? I thought. Gifts picked out? WRONG. ALL WRONG.

"I got you one real rose and one fake rose on separate occasions." I noted.

"You technically didn't give me any." He teased me.

That was partly true. Maybe I was annoyed, but I felt annoyed and looked out my open window blinds to my room. I felt really cold.

How could you not like what I decided to get you goof? I thought. It's not close to April Fools Day. I'm sorry, but not really that I have to remind you of this important date. It's quickly approaching again.

"Ah, the tech." I teased back. "I guess I just have to window shop from my laptop. It's like my job anyways."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I write a lot."


"I still don't get you." He spoke up. "What does writing and window shopping have to do with this?"

Natural silence, I thought against my will.

"It's okay." I reasoned. "I know I'm being confusing. I'll figure it out."

We ended the phone call not long later.

How am I supposed to express myself? I thought.

I looked down at my laptop and began to type like it was my journal.

I made sure to give the real rose back to you after I perfected it, I thought as I typed. That's got to count for something right? Maybe my laugh did, because you always voice how I'm funny.

That's when it hit me.

I knew what I was going to do. I was going to make Coriander a joke. I got extra confetti I had and easily cut out multiple loose petals and took a pointed sharpie to lightly write I love all of you.

I had settled on that until the day of. We both agreed to a mutual dinner date without knowing what to do supposedly. I decided since we were going out that I needed to make touch ups to my joke, but I wasn't expecting him to show up so early.

"You can't come in!" I ushered. "I'm working on your gift!"

My heart sank when I heard his vehicle rumble away shortly after.

Did I make him mad? I thought as I stared hopelessly out of my blinds. I don't have a good track record with him right now.

I didn't feel the pain of cupid's arrow. Remembering a quote of mine. He blew me away all of the time. He didn't just stick with me. He got all of me. My heart felt blown out of my chest. There was no time for disappointment to sink in, because my feelings made everything more intense. Good and bad. To me it proves he had my heart.

I only sank to my bed slowly and became lost in my thoughts again until his voice broke through them.

"Your gift." He said as I bumped into him and I watched it pitifully threaten to slide under my bed. "I didn't think of it until I had time to stop and think."

I didn't have to grab it to see it was something flashy in the fading sunlight. It was a thick metal circle. Upon taking a closer look Cori stood closer to me.

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