Red had a pale expression on her face

" But who I am worried about Is Levy, Erza, Yukino, and defiently Lucy," Red said

" Oh yeah Lucy poor Lucy," I said

" I honestly cant wait until Freed gets preg-," Red stopped talking and stood up

" Did you hear that," Red said

" No I didn-" Suddenly there was a twig breaking and a sound of laughter in the distance

" Ohhhhh hellll noooo this is either a horror movie or someone mate personality as changed into a yandere," Red said

" I think its coming from over there," I said as I pointed straight in front of us

" Yeah I thin- Are those glowing eyeballs can eyeballs glow hey Juiva," Red said as she crept back

" Oh my god we have to wake the others," I said

" Wait we dont know for sure if its one of the slayers for all we know It just happens to be a man with glowing eyeballs," Said Red

We both stared at it and looked a little closer

" Okay maybe if we get near one of the mated it would do something," I said

" Good Idea lets start from Lucy," I said

As we got through Lucy, Yukino, and Kianna it did nothing

" okay next is Chelia," I said as I got near her

It started to growl

I put my hand near her and the thing burst away from the bushes and into the light it was EVE

" Oh shit wake them up,"I said

" MINA WAKE UP," Red said

Everyone jolted upwards

" Eve is currently here at this moment and possibly the others will soon join," I said

" Should we start packing up," Levy asked

" N-o shouldn't there be a magic field around," Said Chelia as she stared at Eve

" Chelia My love I have come for you come to me so we can be together for ever," Eve said as he crept closer

Chelia scooted back

" Chelia come here," said Eve as his smile grew cynical

Suddenly Eve reached the force feild and started to bang on it. However it started to crack

" ALRIGHT PACK IT UP NOW UP AND AT IT ," yelled Erza as we got everything in our bag on time

Right as we put or bags on the force field broke and Eve came sprinting inside

" MIRA TAKE HER," I yelled

Mira nodded turned into Satan Soul grabbed Cheila and flew into the sky.

As we looked back down Eve started to sprint after them into the forest.

" Alright we should get going if there was one the others should be near," I said

" Juvia is right we should be fine hopefully I am just worried about Kagura and Levy at the moment sine their mates can turn into shadows," said Erza

" Yeah thats true we should get going I am not about to be taken off into the night like one of those horroe movies," Kagura said as looked at us but as she was talking someone went behind her

" Um Kagura," I said as I pointed behind her

" There is um someone behind me isn't there," Kagura said as she froze

" Kitten I missed you," Rouge said as he began to kiss her neck

" It time to go back kitten I be you want some milk," He said

" OH MY MAVIS THERE ARE CHILDREN PRESENT," Red said as she turned Wendy away

" ERZA," Kagura yelled

Erza ran forward to grab Kagura but Rogue disappeared into the darkness with Kagura in his arms.

" Where do you think she is," Yukino said as we all started at the spot Kagura once was

" She is getting milk obviously," Red said

Fairytail Mating SeasonWhere stories live. Discover now