You and Me ~Part 6

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I woke up with a knock at my door hoping it was Aaron.
I slip my slippers on and run to the door, unlock it and I see a happy Aaron and Mark!
I hug Aaron and then hug Mark.
Aa- Who is this Aph?
A- oh! Yeah, Mark, Aaron, Aaron, Mark.
M- Nice to meet you Aaron.
Aa- Nice to meet you too.
M- Aph is like a sister to me.
Aa- She's my Girlfriend *-*
A- Yeah... Forgot to tell you Markimoo.
M- Oh! Its fine.
A- But yeah Aaron, Mark is like a brother figure that I've always wanted.
M- Same. I'm an only child.

We all start walking down the stairs to get breakfast.
A- There should be eggs down there Aaron. I think you would be the best person to ask to cook right now...
I say starting to chuckle.
Aa- OK.

Time Skip
So it was around 11am. We all decided to watch Netflix, a scary movie to be exact.

(Sarry. Author had to put a song to keep her writing and this is what she decided...)

But you ended up getting scared in the middle of it and you started crying so Mark turned it off. You hugged Mark tightly. Aaron looked Pissed.
Mark shrugged.
Aa- What the fuck Aph.
A- What?
Aa- You went to Mark.
A- Yeahhh---
Aa- I'm your boyfriend.
A- And? Mark is like a brother.
Aa- Still Aph that is still fucked up.
A- OK... So I can't hug my brother?
Aa- Yeah sure Aph I'm just going to leave then. You obviously like him more than me. Were over.
A- Byeeee^•^
Aa- Bye Bitch.
Aaron ran out the door.
M- Aph, is that true?
A- Yeah... "-"
M- Well... In that case, do you want to be my Girlfriend?
A- Yeah!


You And Me ~ An Aarmau storyWhere stories live. Discover now