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Emily was sweating and crying as she slept, Ed fast asleep. "No." She whined in her sleep. "No!" She said again, Ed not noticing. She suddenly screamed and woke up, terrified. ed woke up from her scream, shocked. He wrapped his arms around her and held her to his heart.

"Emily, Emily, sh... sh... it was just a dream. Just a dream." He cooed. "Just a dream." She shook her head violently.

"I-It was a nightmare!" She sobbed. "It was horrifying!" He rubbed her arm lightly and comfortingly. "I saw them. All three of them. A-A-And they a-all started beating me again. I was so scared! And then they were beating you. I saw you on the ground, bruised and bleeding. Then they started beating me again." He felt so bad for her. She had been beaten before, and he knew how badly she was hurt. She was horrified. Traumatized. 

"I'm so sorry, Emily. I will never, ever hurt you." He promised. "Never in my life will I ever try to scare you, or beat you, or do anything such as. I promise you, Emily. I swear my life on it." He spoke. "I will never do it in my life, Emily."

She sniffed and nodded. "I love you, Teddy Bear." She said. He kissed her head.

"I love you too, Emily." He told her. "And I always will." She sniffed.

"I don't wanna go back to sleep. Will you sing to me?" She asked. He nodded and kissed her flaming red hair.

"This is the start of something beautiful. This is the start of something new. You are the one that will make me lose it all, you are the start of something new. And I'll throw it all away, and watch you fall into my arms again. And I'll throw it all away, and watch you fall, now." He kissed her head lightly.

"You are the earth that I will stand upon, you are the words that I will sing. And I've thrown it all away and watched you fall into his arms again. And I've thrown it all away and watched you fall, now. And take me back, take me home. Watch me fall down to earth, take me back." She felt so comforted by Ed. Every part of him helped her. 

"For this is the start of something beautiful. You are the start of something new." He kissed her head again. "I will never love another person." He murmured into her ear.

"Teddy?" She asked.

"What if we aren't meant to be? We're twenty. Most people our at are in college or something. I graduated last year. I mean... what if we aren't? Amelia, my niece... she calls you 'Uncle Ed' because she's so used to you. What about when... what if that changes?" She asked. 

"Do you not have faith?" He asked.

"No, if course I fo. I have hope and faith. But... I fear that... I fear that you may not want me forever." She told him.

"Oh, Emily." He said sadly. "Of course I do. Every day I remind myself how much I love you." He told her. "I know that you're heart collided with mine and is gonna stay put." He said. She smiled and looked up at him.

"It will." She said kissing him.

He snuggled her closer. "You don't have to sleep. Just lay with me. It's early still. About two in the morning. Just stay right here." He said snuggling her close. "I won't let go unless you want me to." He said kissing her cheek.

"Teddy bear?" She asked.

"Yes, my love?" He replied kissing her red hair.

"I love you." She said, her head against his grey shirt, feeling his messy red hair touching her head as he kissed her hair. He smiled.

"I love you too, Emily." He said. He sighed happily and rubbed her arm, looking out the window. "I love you too." He repeated.

She smiled lightly. "You sure?" She asked looking up at him. He smirked.

"I love with one of the most intelligent girls alive. Of course, I'm certain. I started to know things." He said grinning.

Ed was at a gig the next night, and you watched him as he sang.

"Last night, my girlfriend, Emily, had a nightmare. She woke up screaming and crying. I held hee and sang to her afterward. This song is the one I sang to her to help calm her down." Emily smiled lightly. He eyed her, and everyone's eyes fell on her. She smiled as the attention was drawn to her.

"This is the start of something beautiful. This is the start of something new. You are the one that will make me lose it all, you are the start of something new. And I'll throw it all away, and watch you fall into my arms again. And I'll throw it all away, and watch you fall, now." She smiled as he sang the lyrics about her.

"You are the earth that I will stand upon, you are the words that I will sing. And I've thrown it all away and watched you fall into his arms again. And I've thrown it all away and watched you fall, now. And take me back, take me home. Watch me fall down to earth, take me back.

"For this is the start of something beautiful. You are the start of something new." They applauded him as they finished. He went straight to Emily and kissed her lips.

"We're in love, aren't we?" She asked. He nodded and smiled.

"Yeah. We are." He replied. She giggled and kissed him again, her red hair falling onto her shoulders as she stood up.

"Keep singing, Teddy. They didn't show up to see you kiss me." She said with a grin. He smiled and walked back up to the stage.

"That beautiful ginger girl is my girlfriend. I've been with her since March and I love her more than anyone in the world." He said sweetly.

"Boys don't look for too long. I know, I know. She's irresistible." Ed grinned.

"I thought that right when I laid eyes on her."

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