You Need Me, I Don't Need You

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Ed grinned as Emily drove to the jail. "Stop." She requested.

"Why? I'm happy. You're showing up saying that you don't need him. He needs you to get him out of jail. He doesn't deserve it after what he did to you! Sexual assault, Emily! Several times! Emily, I am so proud of you!" He said happily.

She pulled up and sighed. "Murder me." She mumbled.

"I'm sure any of these guys would. But you are in here to show three men that you don't need them." He said. She looked at him and sighed. "Hey," He said with his hand on her cheek. "I love you." He said kissing her. She nodded. "OK?" He asked. She nodded.

He opened the car door for him. "Ed, what if something bad happens?" She asked.

"Then... I'll protect you." He said. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"I love you." She said as she hugged him. He kissed her head softly.

"I love you too." He said warmingly, hugging her tightly. Her eyes closed on his chest. "Come on, Emily. This was your idea. I came for you, my English Rose." He said.

"I've been here before. You know that right?" She asked. He looked at her strangely. 

"Why?" He asked. 

"The first one escaped twice for murdering people." She said. His eyes grew wide. "THe second one was the best out of those, but he's done some... illegal drugs. Then the third one is rather scary. Either way, you are way better. And I really love you." She said. He nodded. 

"Did he kill you?" Ed asked. She shook her head. "No. He broke out and killed someone. Then he escaped again and killed another. The reason he is arrested is that he tried to kill me. Remember that small bruise on my back?" SH=he asked. He nodded. "Stab." She said.

"W-W-W-" "He was rather... different. My first boyfriend. Not my first kiss. No... you were my first kiss actually." She said slowly. "When the second did the deal to me... he did not kiss me. Thank god. Neither did Steven." She said slowly. 

"They need you. You don't need them." He said. She nodded.

"Yeah. I don't need them. They need me. I'm a strong girl. I'm in love with a good person who is popular with my folks. I'm intelligent beyond compare. I know what to do in every situation. I don't need them." She said nodding lightly. He smiled.

"Good motivation. I'll be next to you if you want me to." He said. She shook her head. "Why not?" He asked.

"I can do this myself. Thank you though." She said. He nodded and they walked inside. 

After a long while, she sat next to them. "Emily?" Steven asked. "Why?" He said, Emily, getting scared. 

"I cam to say that you need me, I don't need you." She stated. "That's the thing. Odd, isn't it? I'm great now. Let me say... I know you all-" She was interrupted by the first two walking away. "And I know that you know that I am better. That ginger boy? Remember him?" He asked.

"I do. That boy who got me arrested. Heard his music. I can't wait until I get my hands on-" "I'm dating him. In fact, I was pregnant." She said. "I lost it. I was having a boy and naming him after his father... as proof that I was saved." She stated. "I was saved and thank science!" SHe exclaimed. Emily was atheist and agnostic, so she prayed to science mostly.

"Emily... you're screwed. You and your tiny little brain. You aren't safe. That boy is going to hurt you someday. From the ginger locks that sit on his head, to his feet, it will turn to hatred. YOu will soon hate that boy. You're screwed, Emily." She smirked. 

"You're wrong. Teddy and I aren't like you. I"m not gonna be hurt anymore. It has been months since I was abused. Think of it this way; I got rid of the people I didn't need, and I am a normal 20 years old girl." She said grinning. "He's gonna be big someday. He'll be writing songs left and right. He already his. You dealt drugs for money. Illegal drugs. Ed is amazing. He would never do that. His album is almost out. I'll make sure to mail you a copy." She said grinning.

"You need me, I don't need you." She said standing up, speaking to all three of them. She walked off to Teddy. "I think I'm a lucky girl suddenly. I am a lucky little girl." She licked her teeth. 

She saw Ed on the bed writing. SHe set her tea down. "Watcha doing?" SHe asked him sweetly "Making a rather complicated song." He said honestly. "I got the idea from what you were saying you're so much better from when I met you. now you're... stronger. You're tougher. This new Emily... she's different. I kind of like it. I still loved the first Emily, but now you're... different." He said.

She grinned and leaned in to kiss his soft lips. "Teddy bear?" She asked. "You'll always need me, right? We'll never be in trouble. Or hurt?" She asked. He smirked.

"No, my English Rose. We'll forever be in love." He said to her. "My gran used to tell me to fall in love with someone's eyes because eyes don't age. I fell in love with your eyes... but they didn't know. They didn't know until your's saw mine." He whispered. She smiled and kissed all around his face. 

"I think I really love you." He said to her. "I really and truly do." He said. She smiled and raised an eyebrow. 

"Do you?" She asked romantically. 

"I do." He said into her blue eyes. "I truly, truly do." He said kindly to her. "And I always will, English Rose." He kissed her lips for a long moment, grateful Emily was with him.

She had been through so much, and little did she know, she would find her true love from it; Edward Christopher Sheeran

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