Entries Closed

124 7 2

Heyyyyy!!!!!! First of all, I'm sooooooo sorry for my inactivity lately. I've had a lot going on, and I haven't been able to go on Wattpad very much. I'm absolutely amazed at how well these awards are going, and how many entries we're getting. At first, I thought that this would just be some tiny competition with like, 10 people, but it's grown to be SO much more than that. I'm so grateful to everyone who joined these awards, and encouraged their friends to do so as well. You guys are awesome! Now without further ado, I've got an announcement to make.

Entries are officially closed. If you've already commented, don't worry, I will accept it within the next day or so, but any comments after today will be denied. I will start posting the accepted books, as well as who will be judging them soon. Before I finish, I've just got two more things to say. The first is that although, the original limit was 10, several genres have surpassed this limit, so don't be surprised if some of the genres have 15-20 books while others are still under 10. A few genres have no, or less than 5 books, so if your book is in one of these categories, I will PM you and ask if it fits in another, more popular category. Finally, WE NEED JUDGES!!!!!!!! Please, if you are interested, or you know anyone who would be PLEASE head over to the judge form a few chapters back. The more judges we get, the faster the results will come out, so please consider signing up. REMEMBER:you can enter and judge at the same time, so long as your not judging a genre you have a book in. E.g. If you have a book in Romance, you can still judge Sci-Fi, or Fantasy.
Get it? Awesome!
I hope you all have a lovely day!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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