Judging Form

135 5 20

Haiiiiiiiii :)
So here is the lovely judging form. There are 18 genres and I need 2 judges per genre. Each judge will have to do 5 books per genre so sign up for however many books you think you can judge. (Max. 3 genres) Please let me know if you are unable to judge something because we need to find replacements asap.  Any ways here's the form:

Genres you want to judge: (max. 3)
General Availability: (weekends/weekdays)
Are you really committed? because I need judges who will actually judge:

Please fill out the form in one comment. If you entered a book you can still judge but you can't judge a category where you have entered a book. If you know anyone who would be interested in judging please tell them about this so that we can get a wide variety of judges :)

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