Chapter 1

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This is an accepption.

When Naruto saw the tree he started climbing it. When he got to the top he took a nap.

Time-Skip after Naruto's nap.

Naruto's P.O.V
I woke up from my nap got out of the tree and began running again. I ran ran and ran until nightfall. When I was about to lose hope and give up I finally saw a pair of gates. I started going faster in hopes to get there. I was about to get there and I collapsed from being to tired.

3rd person P.O.V

The guards of the gates were about to close the gates when they spotted something or in this case someone. "Hey what or who is that?" Said one of the guards. "No idea, let's go check it out." Said the other one. They approached him with they're kunai knives ready in case anything happened. 5 minutes later they checked for a heartbeat. They found one then brought him to the Kazekage.

Time-Skip to when he woke up.
Naruto's P.O.V

"Ugh, my head." I said waking up. "Where am I?" I asked to no one in particular. "Hello?" Silence. "Hellllooo!" Silence. "Is anybody there?" Nothing. So I got up and started walking around. I figured I was in a hospital so I went out. I got out and saw a tower. I looked at it and figured it was the Hokage tower. "Eh?! I thought the Hokage tower was red. Oh well." And with that I was off.

Kazekage's P.O.V
It was the meanest battle I ever fought with my worst enemy: paperwork. Suddenly the doors opened and a boy came running in. "Excuse me who are you and why are you here without permission." I asked. "MY NAME IS NARUTO UZUMAKI DATTEBAYO!" He said proud and I winced when I heard the sheer volume of his voice. "And what village are you from?" I asked and he had a sad look on his face. "I was from Konoha but we went on a C-rank mission that turned into an A-rank and I couldn't keep up so they took away my headband and took away my ninja status." At the end of it I saw that the boy was crying. I went over to the boy and said "Would you like to be a Suna ninja Naruto?" His eyes went wide then he grinned "thank you." "You're welcome." I replied. Then he grinned wider. "Thank you. Thank you so much ji-san" (ji-san=Grandpa I think.) My went wide eyed then they softened. "Naruto right?" He nodded. "Who and where are you're parents?" The boy looked down and started crying "I want to know too." Then it hit him like a pile of bricks. He's an orphan.

Stay tuned for more. I try to update every 2 days.
You are awesome stay awesome (strike Lee's pose.)
:-D XD

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