1. All the members.

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I was walking by myself one day through the city and saw a load of people around some other people. I looked close and saw it was bts! OMG I LOVE THEM!
But then I heard lots of people saying "where's V??" "Where's tayhung?" . The rest of the group replied "he's in the hotel resting, he's a bit tired". Well that's good, I'm glad he's safe, he's my bias after all. I couldn't wait 9 see him perform at the concert!
I kept walking looking over the bridge railings at the lovely green land seeing little scpeckl3s which were animals but looked like insects to me.
But then I stopped in horror seeing a man, one leg over the bridge.
"NO!!!" I cried.
I ran towards him and pulled him out the ground crying. I couldn't let someone die or I'd feel guilty for the rest of my life.
"I have to do this" he said in a deep depressed voice, his back facing me.
"No you don't, if you do your family and friends will be depressed!!!" I say.

He then falls on the floor crying sitting on the sidewalk.
It breaks my heartu.
I sit next to him wrapping one arm around him saying he will be okay. I can't quite see his face as his beautiful hair is in the way. Up close he reminds me of someone.. could it be? No it couldn't..

He faces me giving me a clear view of who he is.

Yes , yes he could be and he is..

He guys I'll do another chapter soon. Anyways this is a short story so all my weird ideas and fantasies. Lol thx for reading.

Saving Taehung//SHORT STORYWhere stories live. Discover now