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As Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage, was about to place his son on the altar, he stopped mid way.

Why was he hesitating?There is no time for that. How quicker he seal the Kyuubi, how more lives would be saved. So, why was he hesitating? His people were dying fighting the nine tailed fox. But what if he died sealing the Kyuubi? He would leave his wife, Kushina and his son, Naruto behind. And a life as jinchuuriki isn't easy. Naruto would be abused by the villagers and Kushina's state was bad, like very bad. After having the nine tailed fox being taken away from her make her weak and just after having delivered their son was even worst, there was no guaranty that she would survive and she is in the care of the villages doctors in a crucial state outside of the village. He would never forgive himself if Naruto would have to live a life like the one he is thinking he will have, if his worse thought came true. He knew what he was about to do to his own son was unforgivable, but it was for the sake of the village. It had to be done. But his judgement change when his son opened his eyes. They were blue, like him and he smiled at the sing of his father. And at that moment Minato knew that he couldn't do it to his son. An anbu whit a cat mask on was not faraway from him.

"Kakashi-kun take Naruto in a secure place, please." Minato asked his former student. And teleported away before Kakashi had the time to ask anything. Minato had teleported to one of the raids that had as purpose to keep the civilians safe from the attacks in time if the village is attacked. Minato knew what he was doing was wrong, and he knew that he would have to live whit this till the day he died.

'Kizashi...I am sorry.'He thought as he took a sleeping pink haired baby from a protesting tan skinned and brown haired eleven year old boy. That boy had been injured and had a bandage making the tour of his face at the level of his nose. And he teleported back to the altar. Kakashi wasn't there any more, he had listen to his sensei and Hokage and had token Naruto to one of raids. Minato placed the pink haired baby on the altar before to complete the seal.

The now pink haired jinchuuriki was now wide awake and crying out loud.The seal clearly visible on her little belly. Her eyes were still closed, but even without seeing her eyes, Minato felt an immense guilt take over him. He had just used the child of two of his fellow shinobis, because he couldn't support to do it on his own child. He carefully took the baby in his arms.

"You couldn't do it, could you?" A more than familiar voice said. Minato looked behind him. The former Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, was standing in his battle outfit whit Kushina and Kakashi behind him. Kushina who had survive the surgery could barely walk without help and could probably never be a ninja. Kakashi wasn't holding Naruto any more, he must have given him to a nurse in the raids probably. Because of the sudden attack of the demon, a lot of villager were hurt and some nurses and medics were sent in the raids to take care of the injured.

"No."he answer looking at the pink haired infant in his arms. She had stopped crying and was sleeping again. She looked so pleased in the arms of the one that stole her future from her. And this made Minato more guilty. And all of this was happening because he had a moment of weakness.

"What about her parents?" Asked a still weak Kushina. She wanted to know if this child would have at least someone to look after her. She better than anyone knew how hard the life of a demon vessel could be,she was the child predecessor.

"Mostly dead. They were both shinobis that lived not far from where the Kyuubi appearer." Was the only answer he could give his wife. He remember the eleven year old boy from who he took the girl, he wouldn't let her go till an one of the adults took the baby from the boys hand to give him. He didn't know who the boy was. A brother? A cousin? A distant relative? He didn't know.

"What will you do of her now, sensei?"Asked his former student. Kakashi wasn't fond of what his sensei did. Unlike Naruto, that girl hadn't parents anymore and they didn't knew if one of her relatives would take her in. if she had relatives.

"We will place her in an orphanage." He respond. And his wife was praying for this little girl to not have a too rough live. When I tall ended, Minato went in his office in the Hokage tower and let himself broke down.

" I am sorry sakura, so sorry."

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