Chapter 18

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              I was clinging to him like my life depended on it. “Josh,” I let out a strangled sob.

            “It’s okay, Ali, I’m here,” he whispered to me burying his face in my hair clinging to me just as I was him.

            “I messed up…..” I started to cry.

            “It’s okay, Ali, I forgive you,” he told me so sincerely I just started to sob clinging onto him even tighter not even caring that he was as cold as ice and practically made of stone.

            He held me as I cried whispering sweet memories in my ear and brushing my hair with his fingers just like he used to until I calmed down. He then smiled at me and brushed the last tear away with his thumb, “Now please, Ali, don’t spoil anymore of our reunion with tears,” he begged and I couldn’t help, but smile from ear to ear.

            “I should probably give you two some privacy, I’ll be outside, Ali,” Paul said making his presence known once again.

            “Wait,” I said grabbing Paul’s arm and I met his eyes. They looked empty and completely heartbroken.

            “Paul….” I whispered.

            “It’s okay, Ali,” he told me softly.

            “Paul?” Josh spoke this time directly to Paul.

            Paul looked at him, his wall immediately going up. Josh then held out his hand to him, “Thank you, thank you for taking care of her,” Josh told him sincerely.

            Paul took his hand slowly and shook it looking a bit confused, “Um, your welcome?” he said a bit gruffly, but Josh wasn’t done.

            “Thank you also for making her smile, I’ve watched her from afar these past two years, and it was only with you, that I actually saw her give real smiles,” he told him.

            He’d watched me…… Paul just nodded before walking out the door of the restaurant. Josh then turned to me a kind smile on his face and I melted forgetting about Paul. “Sit,” he said pulling out my chair for me.

            I obliged sitting down as he went and sat down where Paul had been sitting. “Did it hurt?” I whispered.

            “Like it was setting my blood to boil,” he told me.

             I gulped, “Let’s not talk about that though,” Josh begged.

            I nodded reaching over and grabbing his hand. “Paul has helped a lot hasn’t he?” Josh asked me gently.

            “Paul’s my best friend, Josh, I still love you and only you,” I told him.

            Josh looked down, “I still love you too,” he whispered.

            I beamed from ear to ear, he still loved me…..he still loved me…..he came back like he promised me. “But you love Paul too,” he told me.

            “As a best friend,” I replied.

            Josh smiled at me a bit, “Ali…..” he started.

            “I love you, Josh and only you, don’t doubt that,” I told him seriously.

            “Ali, you don’t get it, do you,” he said using my words against me.

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