Chapter 2

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 In honor of the new year! Here is a new chapter! :) Lots of Love xoxo - Izzy          

          After two days of constant pleading from Lisa, I finally gave in. I’d be the little pawn in her plan…. whatever. I don’t even know why she would think that Paul would actually fall for me….it was ridiculous. She was right! He had only asked me out to irk her!

            He hadn’t exactly spoken to me since he asked me out…. instead I had caught him staring at me from afar….which was kind of starting to freak me out. Lisa claimed it was because I was the only girl who had ever turned him down, though it was driving her crazy, she wanted him to ask me out again so I could say what she had taught me…..I just prayed I wouldn’t sound rehearsed or Lisa might actually kill me.

            When it reached Friday, Lisa being the impatient person she was, lost it in the middle of myself telling her how I wanted to go see my favorite book turned movie in the theaters this weekend. She shoved me right into Paul Lahote’s arm’s….hard may I add….well actually she tripped me and Paul dove to catch me.

            “Are you alright?” he asked worriedly setting me upright and picking up my books from the ground.

            “Um yeah….. I’m a bit of a klutz,” I said nervously my social ineptness showing.

            He chuckled, “I see that,” he smiled at me brightly and I blushed.

            “My um books?” I questioned.

            “Oh uh…here,” he said almost nervously as he ran his hand through his hair after handing them to me.

            “Thanks,” I said shyly about to walk off and call this whole thing off. I can’t talk to people, I’m too shy, how was this ever going to work?

            “Hey, wait, um….I just wanted to apologize about Monday….that was totally wrong of me…..I think it was the fever from my absence talking,” he chuckled weakly.

            HA! SEE TOLD HER HE WASN’T INTERESTED IN ME AND THIS WOULD NEVER WORK! “Oh um…yeah, it’s um okay,” I said sounding illiterate.

            “I hope it didn’t cause Laura to get mad at you,” he said.

            He had sex….with my best friend and didn’t even know her name…… My gaze turned hard, “You mean Lisa?” I asked.

            He looked panicked, “Yeah, that’s what I meant to say,” he said nervously.

            Screw him. “Right, sure you did,” I said bitterly.

            Before I punched him, Lisa came prancing up to us, “Paul,” she said politely before turning to me, “Guess, what I just saw came out tonight?” she asked excitedly.

            “What?” I asked trying my best to not sound annoyed we hadn’t rehearsed this part.

            “Fault in our Stars!” she squealed.

            I wanted to face palm, I’d only been telling her about it for about four months now. “Um yeah….I know……I’ve only been waiting for it to come out about four months now,” I tried my best not to make my tone condescending… wasn’t Lisa’s fault she wasn’t a good listener.

            “Then why didn’t you say anything?” she asked.

            “I don’t know, Lisa,” I said not trying to hide the annoyance in my tone.

            “You brought it up and I wasn’t listening again?” she asked trying to sound apologetic….it wasn’t a good tone on her.

            I sighed nodding, “It’s okay,” I told her gently.

            “Look, I’ll make it up to you, we can go on a double date! I’ll ask Hunter and you can bring Paul!” she said excitedly.

            My eyes widened, OH HELL NO! She never said anything about involving Hunter! “Excuse me?” I asked her. She was not about to involve him in her stupid bizarre plan. It’s one thing to involve me….but Hunter nuh-uh.

            “Paul will go with you won’t he?” she asked him batting her eyelashes.

            “Um…..” he trailed off looking at me questioningly as if he was asking if she had gone mad.

            I must have given him just as confused of a look, “Excuse us for a second, will you Paul?” she asked.

            “Have you gone mental?” I hissed at her.

            “Please, Ali, this is perfect I can make him jealous!” she begged.

            “I don’t care about freaking Paul Lahote, Lisa! I care about Hunter!” I hissed at her.

            She rolled her eyes at me, “It’ll all be fine, Ali, I don’t like Hunter, I like Paul,” she said.

            Crap, I guess I just made it sound like I liked Hunter....I didn’t…… Hunter liked Lisa….like HUGE crush…..and she played him like he was a guitar……and I had to retune him every time she played him. “I know that,” I told her.

            “Look, the date will start with you and Paul…..and end with you and Hunter, okay?” she said and then leaned over and whispered in my ear, “That’s the cover plan, it’s to make him fall for you,” she said.

            I wanted to bang my head against the wall, “But why Hunter?” I whined.

            “You actually have a crush on him?” she whispered.

            NO! He was practically my brother….. Hunter was my foreign exchange student that was living at my house. He was absolutely precious and totally British and just as shy as I was. We were best friends closer than Lisa and I in reality.

            Lie, “Yeah, kinda,” I lied.

            “I won’t make a move on him then, I promise, and as soon as you do this for me, I’ll make sure you both end up together,” she promised.

            “Okay,” I said unsurely. I would be warning Hunter of this ALL beforehand.

            She then dragged me back to Paul, “She’d love to go with you Paul,” she said with a grin.

            Paul was staring at me like he had heard the whole conversation, “Would you?” he asked me.

            I gulped and just nodded, unable to actually say yes and lie to his beautiful green eyes that were staring into mine as if they were reading my soul…… “Ali!” Lisa hissed at me annoyed and I broke eye contact.

            “You can pick her up at my house!” Lisa giggled before dragging me away.

            “I don’t like this…..” I told her.

            “All you’ve got to do is ride up with him for 45 minutes to Port Angeles…..Hunter and I will go in my car, and I’ll talk you up to Hunter while you make Paul fall head over heels in love with you!” she said.

            I groaned, “I don’t know how to make someone fall head over heels in love with me,” I whined.

            “Just be yourself, Paul hasn’t gone out with girls like you,” she told me before racing off to her class while I stared after her wondering if real friends would really make their best friends do this.

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