Chapter 8

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                The next day Lisa called telling me James was back in town and so I had to go over there and fake smiles and laugh the entire time. It was torture and then somehow she found out that Paul and I had gone to the beach, so she had started questioning me about that. Asking if he was falling for me yet.

            It was an extremely long day and I had never been happier for a Monday to come around unfortunately James was driving Lisa and I to school today and so I had to put up with him. Lisa chatted the whole way there she was always so much happier when James was home, and for that I was glad.

            We reached the school and Lisa got out of the car about to wait on me, when James stopped her, “Hey, you go on Lisa, I need to talk to Ali about something,” he said.

            She nodded not finding his words unusual, we were supposed to be best friends. After she was a far enough distance away, he sighed. “I’m sorry for the other day, Ali,” he whispered.

            “It’s okay, I know how you get when it comes to him, neither of us deal with it well…..we’re alike in that way,” I said with a soft smile.

            He nodded, “I’m leaving to head back to Seattle to continue my search tonight, you’re 18, you can legally come with me, your parents can’t stop you,” he whispered.

            I sighed, “James…..” I started.

            “Josh and I aren’t that different, you know, we’ve always liked the same things…..the same girls…..” he trailed off.

            “James…..” I started.

            “I know, Ali, all you see when you look at me is my stupid birthmark, I get it,” he whispered.

            I sighed getting out of the car and going to the driver’s window, which he rolled down, “If you do find him, bring him back to me,” I whispered.

            He nodded and I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him before kissing his cheek, “Be careful,” I whispered.

            “I will,” he said softly in my ear kissing my cheek as well smoothing my hair, “And take care of Lisa, will you? She’s not doing as well as she says,” he said.

            I smiled, “I know,” I told him before racing off toward the school running right into a brick wall.

            “Whoa,” a familiar chuckle said as warm hands held me upright.

            I looked up to see a tired looking Paul. “Hey,” he smiled at me brushing a curl behind my ear.

            I looked away thinking about James’ comment the other day. “How was your visitor?” he asked.

            “Good, it was just Lisa’s brother back from college, nothing as dramatic as Hunter claimed over the phone, they were trying to mess with my mind,” I lied.

            Paul chuckled, “Hope he treats you better than his sister does,” he told me.

            I laughed, “Much,” I teased just as Lisa ran up to me actually happy for once.

            “What did Jamesie have to tell you that was so important?” Lisa giggled.

            I rolled my eyes knowing what she was hoping. She knew James was in love with me and had been obsessed with the idea since Josh died. I think in a sick twisted way she felt like it would be just like it used to be……

            “Oh, he told me to keep you out of trouble,” I teased her.

            She pouted, “That’s all?” she asked sadly. I don’t think she even realized Paul was standing there.

            “Yes, Lisa, that’s all,” I lied.

            “He’s going back to Seattle, tonight,” she told me softly.

            “Yeah, he told me,” I told her softly.

            Her eyes flickered and then they lit up, “He asked you to go with him didn’t he!?” she squealed.

            I paled, “Lisa…..” I started.

            “Please tell me you said yes, he can take care of you, you don’t need a high school education! You can get your GED and…..” she started.

            “LISA!” I snapped glancing at Paul who was just staring at me with an utterly heartbroken expression. “I’m not going to Seattle with him, it’s not going to happen,” I glared at her.

            She looked down, “I’m sorry, I just…..” she whispered.

            I sighed feeling bad, Lisa was kinda like a puppy….and she was looking like I just kicked her. “I’m sorry, maybe when I finish high school,” I said giving her the hope she could cling to…..that would never happen.

            “Right, of course, we only have a few months left, it was dumb he even asked!” she giggled turning back into her happy self.

            “HI PAUL!” she said happily before scampering off leaving Paul and I alone.

            We stared at each other a few moments and I felt like I needed to tell him that I wasn’t interested in James, which didn’t make sense……because that would be the perfect alibi, being interested in someone else….. “We have English together right?” he asked.

            I blinked surprised, “Um yeah,” I said softly.

            “Can we walk together?” he asked.

            “Uh yeah?” I questioned even more confused.

            We walked in silence toward English where Paul made some guy that sat next to me get up so he could sit there. Um okay? He must have sensed my confusion, “I told you I wanted to be friends,” he said softly.

            I just stared at him surprised, before just nodding, and turning away. English seemed to last forever because every time I glanced at Paul he honestly looked like he was about to break down at any moment. As soon as the bell rang, I approached him, “Okay? What’s wrong? Something is bothering you obviously!” I pleaded.

            He looked at me surprised, “I’m fine,” he lied.

            I scoffed, surprised how much it was really bothering me knowing something was wrong. “What’s wrong?” I repeated myself.

            He just sighed looking at me, as if searching for something in my eyes and he didn’t find it, “You don’t even care,” he muttered before simply walking off leaving me shocked.

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